20/09/2024, Friday1 Chronicles 25

Set apart to worship God

Ps. Liu Yimei

Passage of the day

Click here to read Ch25


Continuing with the census and organisation of the Levites (Chapter 23), and the priests (Chapter 24), David and the chiefs of the service also arranged the musicians in the temple. Interestingly the chiefs of the service were involved in the selection and organisation of the musicians or “worship leaders” for Israel, displaying David’s high regard to the counsel of his military commanders even in liturgical affairs.

Three families were set apart – the sons of Asaph, and of Heman, and of Jeduthun – to serve in the ministry of music, where the skills were passed on to their children under the direction of their fathers. They were trained in singing to the Lord, and all were skillful (verse 7). Worshipping the Lord was so central to Israel as a nation that the organising of the musicians featured high on the priorities. Music ministry had an essential and central role, where Levites who were appointed and set apart were dedicated to ministering daily in the Temple.

At the same time, the music ministry was not just about music and instruments, because they were said to had “prophesied” through the various instruments. The worship leaders were singing with divine inspiration, using God’s Word and music to encourage, restore, and uplift one another, and to give thanks and praise God.

When we enter into a time of worship, are we just singing or are we worshipping God? Will we think of worship as a time of testifying for what our great God has done in our lives? As worship leaders, or worship band members, or choir members, will we also remember that the responsibility of one who ministers in music is to prophesy, to inspire by God’s Word and song? Do we recognise that we are set apart for this ministry and hence must bring glory to God through our service?

May our eyes be turned to our Lord during our private and corporate worship, that we be led by the Holy Spirit to enjoy the fullness of God’s glory, and may our hearts be filled with the joy of the Holy Spirit as we worship our Lord in spirit and in truth.

Prayer : Dear God, thank you for all that You have done in my life. I recognise your hand in all the situations in my life. Help me to turn my focus on you during times of worship, and that I may worship you in spirit and in truth. In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.

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