22/09/2024, Sunday1 Chronicles 27

Justifying Ourselves

Ps. Joseph Tang

Passage of the day

Click here to read Ch27


In 1 Chronicles 21, Satan incited David to count the number of Israelites; David was deceived and instructed Joah and their leaders to count all the Israelites. Apparently, in Exodus 30:12, God forbids the counting of the population except for a specific purpose, such as the collection of a ransom money. An unwarranted headcount would have put the Israelites at risk of plague because a headcount implies ownership. Israel does not belong to the Israelites; Israel belongs to God. Only God has the authority to order a census. David's blunder resulted in 70,000 deaths.

In 1 Chronicles 27:23, David almost repeated the same mistake. But this time he thought he was being clever and instructed Joah to count only those over 20 years of age so as not to offend God. He thought that by counting only a portion of the people, he would not offend God. In addition, he had a noble reason for needing to count the Israelites, and that was to prepare for the building of God's temple. All of this sounds reasonable.

Does this sound familiar? We often try to justify our wrongdoings. Just as David was tempted to make excuses, we often rationalize our sin. We tell ourselves.

- “This is the last time.”

- “I am doing it for a good cause.”

- “It’s not really hurting anyone.”

The fact is that sin is sin, no matter how big or small, no matter what the circumstances, no matter what the justification, disobedience to God is a departure from God's ways and is displeasing to God. David's story reminds us that God's standards don't change, even when we think we have a good reason. God's holiness demands obedience, and excuses do not erase sin.

Moses had done the same. God told him to speak to the rock, but in his anger he struck it. Eventually, Moses was banned from the Promised Land as a result.

We need to constantly examine our behaviour and mindset to avoid falling into the trap of “self-justification” and to remind ourselves that only through obedience to Christ can we walk in the path of sanctification and righteousness.

Prayer : Dear Father, thank you for reminding us through David’s story that no excuse can ever justify disobedience to you. Help us not to fall into the temptation to justify ourselves, but to humbly submit to your will. Let us glorify you in all we do. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.

Great Job!You're right on track.