24/09/2024, Tuesday1 Chronicles 29 : 1 - 9

Cheerful Giving

Rev. Dr. Casey Lok

Passage of the day

Click here to read Ch29


This passage describes the heart of every parent in doing their best for his or her child. Knowing that his young and inexperienced son Solomon was going to succeed as the king of Israel, David provided for the materials so that Solomon could focus on constructing the temple of God. But this is not merely about something that parents would want to do for their child. In David’s case, besides wanting to assist his son to accomplish a magnificent project, David had also all along wanted to build this temple for God. He said in v1 that the palace together with the temple was meant for God and not man. And v3 tells us that it was out of his devotion to his God.

David knew that for the construction of God’s temple to be possible, it also needed the support and sacrificial giving of his people. As a king, he sets the example of contributing his own treasure in v3. He then urged the people to do likewise to contribute a freewill offering to God (v5). V6-8 then records amazingly the subsequent response of his leaders. Leaders of fathers’ houses, tribes, military commanders and officers – leaders at every level also made their contributions. V9 concludes by saying that they gave willingly, freely and wholeheartedly. It also mentions that they rejoiced in their giving to God.

The attitude of giving that is demonstrated here by David and his leaders is characterized by a cheerful heart. This is a timely example for us in our giving to God. One lesson that I personally learnt about giving is that we can never outgive God. Being a vocational Christian work, my wife and I also give regularly to God for His work. Many years ago during the Christmas season of giving, we decided to set aside a sum of money to be given to different Christian organizations for their ministry. It was not a huge amount of money to some, but it was to us. And we were glad that we could do with a cheerful spirit.

Something happened a few nights later. We had switched off all our house lights and were about to retire to bed. Our doorbell rang. We looked at each other and wondered who the person could be. We looked through the door peephole but could not recognize him. We opened the door and he introduced himself as Siew Leng’s former church mate. He said he came to bless us with something. He passed us an envelope and went away quickly. We closed the door, looked at each other again, wondering for this time what would be inside the envelope. It was a cheque and the amount was the same total amount that we have given to God few days ago! We were dumbfounded. We can never outgive God!

Dear brothers and sisters, let us take some time to evaluate our giving to the Lord – be it in our time, talent or treasure. If we have been so caught up in our work or other commitments that we have neglected this area of our walk with God, it is never too late to pick up where we had stopped. Let us resume our giving to God, doing it cheerfully and faithfully.

Prayer : Dear God, thank you that you have demonstrated what sacrificial giving is about when you sent your one and only son to die on the cross in our place. By your grace, please help us in our regular giving to you so that we can do it out of a cheerful heart. We pray this is Jesus’ name. Amen.

Great Job!You're right on track.