12/05/2022, Thursday1 John 2:15-17

Desiring God or the World

Rev. Dr. Jerry Goh

Passage of the day

15 Do not love the world or the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him. 16 For all that is in the world — the desires of the flesh and the desires of the eyes and pride of life — is not from the Father but is from the world. 17 And the world is passing away along with its desires, but whoever does the will of God abides forever.


This is a very familiar passage for many of us. The Apostle John, exiled in the Island of Patmos, focused on the things of God as against the things of the world. He warns us that we are not to desire the things of the world.

Firstly, the two things: the world and the things of the world. Here he separated the two entities, and I believe what he said concerning “the world” does not refer to the people of the world because this is contrary to the idea of John 3:16. God loved “the world” so much that He sent His only beloved Son to die for it – that is, for all the people in the world. So here, when John said not to love the world, I believe he meant the worldly system that is anti-God and operates at the control of the evil one.

Secondly, the things of the world refer to the temporal, material things and possessions. This world and its economy are “powered” by money. It revolves around riches, wealth and financial gains and benefits. And as believers, if we think like what the people of the world think, then we are in danger of falling in love with the world and its things.

More seriously, when we love the world, there is no place for the love of God in our hearts. The world and its things would attempt to squeeze out any desire in us for God, and they will make it very difficult for us to do His will. So here is a decision for us: Desire God or love the world.

John pointed out that all the things in the world could be categorised under three main headings: (1) The desires of the flesh; (2) The desires of the eyes; and (3) The pride of life. These three things DO NOT belong to God but are of the world. If we desire these things, then our desire for God is not there, and we are in danger of taking the side of worldly people.

What are these desires? The desire of the flesh is that of focusing too much in taking care of the needs of the body, of all things that this life has to offer to “preserve and placate” the flesh. Being responsible for our health, physical growth and our body so that it stays in good shape and functions well is good and important. Paul said that our body is the temple of the Holy Spirit (1 Cor. 6:19-20) and we have this treasure in earthen vessels to show that the surpassing power belongs to God (2 Cor. 4:7). Thus, we need to care for our body and glorify God with our body. But to become overly engross in “body care” and spend all our time and effort in beautifying the body or feed its desires, is obviously not in the agenda of God’s will.

The same goes with the desires of the eyes. Note that in these two cases, the word “desires” is in “plural” form, indication many desires. So, the desires of the eyes, like those of the flesh, are many. Some people might be lured by the sparking of precious stones, others might be attracted by the latest model of cars, yet others might be lured to the latest smartphone models, and so forth. This is the reason for the huge advertising industry in our day. We no longer go to the humble neighbourhood shop or supermarket to buy what we need, but rather do our shopping at big department stores or online shopping site to get the latest and the best.

The final worldly desire – is the pride of life. This is the desire for worldly success and achievements, the clamour for positions and places of power, and to exert power on others.

It does not make much sense for us to spend so much time trying to take care of our physical body or amass material things or pursue worldly pride. Why? Because one day, the world is going to pass away with all its desires. But the disciple of Christ who does the will of God abides forever. He or she would remain and be safe in the bosom of God’s love and desire.

Heavenly Father, thank you for the clear teaching of your Word that warns me not to desire the things of the world because it will not last. Thank you for the greater and better things that I could invest my life in, to grow in my faith and in the likeness of your Son, and to share the treasure of the gospel to those who need you, to show love to my loved ones and neighbours. Please continue to help me focus on doing your will on earth that when I leave this place one day, I will be ushered into your eternal glory. Amen!

Great Job!You're right on track.