05/06/2024, Wednesday1 Kings 11

Preferring Beauty Over Kingdom

Ps. Joseph Tang

Passage of the day

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After reading Chapter 11 of the Book of 1 Kings, I couldn't help but recall an old saying: "He loves his beauty, not his kingdom." This saying comes from an ancient Chinese poem:

The Song of Jade Trees has faded, leaving only traces behind.

Yet the willow branches of the Southern Dynasty Palace endure.

The Prince of Fu was accustomed to a life of indulgence from a young age.

He did not love his kingdom; he loved his beauty.

Translation: The old songs of Empress Chen are now just history, but new willow trees are still growing in the palaces of the Southern Dynasty. Prince Fu had been indulged in pleasures from a young age, showing no concern for state affairs, loving only beautiful women.

This poem condemns rulers who only care about pleasure and ignore their country's fate. It also reminds people to learn from history and avoid making the same mistakes.

King Solomon’s Kingdom and Beauty

Like Prince Fu, King Solomon committed the same sin. Solomon was renowned for his wisdom and talent. He built the temple, expanded the territory, and made Israel a powerful country in the Middle East. However, he also led to the division and decline of the nation due to his indulgence in personal desires.

King Solomon's mistakes mainly reflected in his excessive obsession with and pursuit of women. Although he possessed extraordinary wisdom, he lost control of his emotional life, married many wives and concubines, which led to his belief in foreign gods and violation of God's laws, which ultimately brought punishment on him and his country from God.

On the contrary, although King David also made similar mistakes, he had the ability to recognize his sins and repent. The Bible says that he was a truly repentant man (Psalms 32:5). He admitted before God and the people that he had committed serious sins, sought God's forgiveness, maintained God's grace, and ensured the stability of the country.


Everyone has their own pursuits and desires, but sometimes we may be tempted by luxury and pleasure, neglecting more important responsibilities and values. This loss of direction can lead to destructive consequences.

Therefore, we need to frequently examine our goals and values to ensure that they are in line with God's will. We should maintain self-control and integrity, not be deceived by short-term pleasures, but choose action that please God.

Prayer : Dear Father, help us to understand what is truly important as we reflect on the lessons from 1 Kings Chapter 11. Keep us from being distracted by temporary pleasures and luxuries. Help us to stay focused on your will, living with integrity and self-control. May we always put your kingdom first. In Jesus' name, we pray. Amen.

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