11/06/2024, Tuesday1 Kings 17

God sees and hears

Rev. Dr. Casey Lok

Passage of the day

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This is a splendid chapter that depicts God sees and hears the cry of every individual who calls upon Him. Elijah is one who stands up among the other prophets who is powerfully used by God. When Jesus asked his disciples who the people thought He was, Elijah was one reply (Matt 16:14). When Jesus was transfigured at the mountain, His three disciples saw Him with Moses and Elijah. Besides Enoch, Elijah was the other character in the Bible that did not die to be brought to heaven (Gen 5:24; 2 Ki 2:11). The background of this chapter was a very gloomy and difficult period for the people in Israel and the surrounding pagan nations. Israel was at the heights of their spiritual apostasy under King Ahab. He led his nation away from Yahweh (God of the Jews) and instead worshipped Baal (the god of fertility and lord of the rain clouds). As a divine judgment from heaven, there was widespread drought across the wide region and the people were in great suffering. This chapter serves as a prelude to the showdown in 1 Ki 18 between Elijah the prophet of God and the prophets of Baal. God handpicked this widow of Zarephath who was under dire suffering because of the drought. He sent Elijah to stay at her house that opened the opportunity for this household to experience God’s goodness and power through the prophet. When Elijah first visited her and asked for water and bread, she had only one last meal for both her family. Then they would die as there would be no more left. The first miracle of God occurred when she obeyed and trusted in God’s promise that her jar of flour and jug of oil would not run dry until the drought ended. She gave her last food to Elijah and her household was blessed and spared from death. Days later, her son was sick and died. Though she was in grief, she listened to Elijah. God performed the second miracle and raised her son from death through Elijah. There are many people in this world (including some among us), life can be very hard and difficult like the widow of Zarephath and her family. The challenge of life has reached its peak and we wonder whether we have any more energy to go further. Jesus says in Matt 12:20 (cf Isa 42:3) that He is God’s chosen servant sent to bring justice to this world; His promise is that the bruised reed will not be broken and the smothering wick will not be quenched. Take heart and remain strong in God, my brothers and sisters. Prayer : Dear Jesus, we know that we are not alone. Thank you for identifying with us in our “bruise” and “smothering” situation. You were whipped and tortured prior to Your death at the cross. Help us to claim Your promise that by your wounds, we are healed. (Isa 53:5) In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen. “4 Surely he has borne our griefs and carried our sorrows; yet we esteemed him stricken, smitten by God, and afflicted. 5 But he was pierced for our transgressions; he was crushed for our iniquities; upon him was the chastisement that brought us peace, and with his wounds we are healed. 6 All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned—everyone—to his own way; and the Lord has laid on him the iniquity of us all.” (Isa 53:4-6)

Great Job!You're right on track.