28/05/2024, Tuesday1 Kings 6

God’s Temple

Ps. Liu Yimei

Passage of the day

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Chapter 6 details the building of the temple. It begins and ends with a chronological notice (verses 1, 37-38), and is laid in reference to the Exodus. This is significant because the exodus from Egypt is the redemptive event through which the Israelites experience the rule of God in the world, and the temple is the physical representation that Yahweh rules in all the earth. 

Despite the technical details of the building of the temple, the reality of this chapter is that it was more than just the building of a temple. It is the beginning of yet another era in God’s redemptive story. After the years of bondage and wandering, the  building of a temple signifies the gift of rest from God, to fulfil God’s promise to His people that they would dwell securely in the Promised Land. 

Additionally, the significance of this temple was not about its beauty or details, but about the fellowship with God. The temple of God indicates that God wants to dwell with His people, but He, too, desires obedience from His people. He desires for His people to guard His Word closely, to keep His commandments, and to walk faithfully with Him. God’s promise to His people’s obedience was His presence and His faithfulness. 

God’s redemptive story has not ended, because we continue the redemptive story till Christ comes again. God’s presence is promised to us when “the Word became flesh, and dwelt among us” (John 1:14). And even after Christ died and rose again, and ascended to heaven, the Holy Spirit was promised to us, indwelling in us, so that we may be able to continue to work out His redemptive story. 

All of us have a part to play in bringing the gospel to the end of the earth. But we must not forget that our faith needs to be worked out, where out personal obedience matters to God. May we live a life sanctified, where we walk in God’s word, where we keep His commandments, and where we walk in faith. May the fullness of God’s blessings overflow in our lives, that God’s goodness, grace, and mercy may flow through us to others around us. 

Prayer : Dear God, thank you that Jesus Christ came and dwelt among us, that we may know You, and be called children of God. May we live a life set apart for You, and may we be your vessels of grace and mercy. In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen. 

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