02/06/2024, Sunday1 Kings 9 : 1-9

Walk intimately with God

Ps. Liu Yimei

Passage of the day

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About 24 years after Solomon ascended the throne, he completed the building of the temple and the palace (verse 1), and it was time for him to live life after his greatest accomplishment. It was at this time that the Lord appeared to him a second time. God heard his prayer (chapter 8), and God had consecrated the house that Solomon built. God is willing to answer Solomon’s prayer, to establish the throne of David over Israel forever, but it was on a condition. Solomon was to walk before God, as his father had walked – God asked Solomon to walk before Him in obedience and faithfulness, like his father had done, and therefore, it was not impossible for Solomon. If Solomon walked in obedience before God, then his throne will be established forever – God will bless Israel, and His presence will be with the nation. But if he did not, then God will have to correct a disobedient Israel, and He will cast the temple out of His sight.

Solomon had just finished an extraordinary and magnificent work for the Lord in building the temple. It would have been easy to rest in that accomplishment, or even to worship that accomplishment. But God was gracious to appear to Solomon at this time to warn him and to remind him, to remain faithful, to remain obedient to Him. God recognised Solomon’s accomplishment and had consecrated it, but far more than the accomplishment, God was concerned that Solomon worships not his finished work, but the God behind the finished work.

In the same way, God recognises our accomplishments and cares for our work. Whether it is our ministry in church, our work in the marketplace, our homes, or whatever we put our hands to work at, God recognises them and care for the excellency that we put in them. However, much more than that, God desires an intimate walk with us. He desires that we obey His Word, be faithful in our walk, and learn to trust Him more than what we see on earth. He desires us to follow Him and be obedient to Him, because He is the giver of life, and giver of our talents.

Do you recognise God to be above all? Would you live in obedience to God and walk faithfully with Him? Would you spend time in daily prayer and in reading His Word, so that it would help you to focus on God?

Prayer : Dear Father, thank you that you recognise my works and accomplishments, but more than that, thank you for giving me the privilege to be in a relationship with You. Help me, Lord, to walk closely with You, and to be obedient to Your Word. In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.

Great Job!You're right on track.