15/02/2024, Thursday1 Samuel 15:1-35

Obedience is Better Than Sacrifice

Rev. Adrian Lim

Passage of the day

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In 1 Samuel 15:1-9, Samuel told Saul God had sent him to anoint him as king and use him to punish the Amalekites. God’s instruction to Saul was to destroy everyone including the animals. Saul gathered two hundred thousand men from Israel and ten thousand from Judah at Telaim, to fight against the Amalekites. Saul told the Kenites to flee so they would not be harmed as they had shown kindness to them when they came out of Egypt. 

The Amalekites were destroyed but Saul spared King Agag, and kept the best of the sheep and cattle and the fat calves and lambs disobeying God’s instructions. We can appreciate Saul sparing the Kenites but not disobeying God as he followed his desires and ways instead of God’s instruction. As disciples of Christ, we must follow Jesus and obey all that He taught us instead of following our desires and ways like Saul too. 

1 Samuel 15:10-23, God told Samuel He regretted making Saul king as he had disobeyed Him. The next morning, Samuel went to look for Saul. Saul had left for Gilgal after setting up a monument to honor himself at Carmel. When Saul saw Samuel, he claimed he had obeyed God and did all He asked. Samuel asked him why then he was hearing the noises of animals. He told Saul to stop lying as God had told him. Saul asked Samuel what God had said. Samuel told him that God had said He made Saul king even though felt unworthy. Saul had disobeyed Him. Saul insisted he obeyed God, but only spared Agag. The animals were taken by his men to sacrifice to God. Samuel asked, “Does it please God than Saul’s obedience to Him?” Now since he rejected God’s word, God has rejected him as king. Samuel confronted Saul with what God said. But Saul denied it and deflected the blame to the soldiers. Samuel reminded him that our sacrifices cannot replace our obedience to God. No amount of our giving or service to God can replace one’s obedience to God. Many believers are serving in the church, but they are not obeying God’s word too. 

1 Samuel 15:24-35, Saul finally admitted he had sinned. His excuse was that he was afraid of the people and let them do as they liked. He begged Samuel to go with him to worship God. Samuel refused as God had rejected Saul. When Samuel turned to leave, Saul grabbed the hem of his robe and tore it. Samuel prophesied that God had torn the kingdom of Israel from Saul today and gave it to his neighbor, someone better than him. Unlike man, God will not lie or change His mind. Saul still wanted “to save his face” and begged Samuel to honor him before the elders and the people. Instead, Samuel told him to bring Agag, the king of the Amalekites. He put Agag to death before the Lord in Gilgal and left for Ramah while Saul went home to Gibeah. Samuel did not see Saul until he died although he mourned for him. 

Saul finally admitted he sinned, but his excuse was he was afraid of his men. The fear of man leads us to please him, a weakness of many people. As a leader, we must please God and not man. Saul was concerned about “saving face” like many people as well. He wanted Samuel to honor him before the elders and the people. Samuel refused as he only honored God. He killed Agag before the Lord as Saul failed to do what God told him.

Are you a man-pleaser? Are you more concerned with “saving face” than obeying God? Do you choose to honor God or yourselves?

Prayer: Lord, help me to fear you instead of man. I will honor you and not myself ! 

Great Job!You're right on track.