20/02/2024, Tuesday1 Samuel 20:1-42

Standing on the Truth

Rev. Adrian Lim

Passage of the day

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In verses 1-11 -David fled to Ramah to find out from Jonathan what he had done that caused Saul to be so angry and wanted to kill him. Jonathan said he didn’t know as his father did not tell him, but if he knew, he would tell him. David said of course Saul would not tell Jonathan since he knew they were good friends. David told Jonathan he would not be at the New Moon Feast, so his father is certain to ask about his absence. He told Jonathan to tell him that he had gone to Bethlehem to offer a sacrifice. If Saul is not angry then he is safe but if he is, then he is not safe. He made Jonathan promise not to hand him over to Saul if he did anything wrong, but to kill him instead. 

Loyalty does not mean ignoring evil. We must own up and stand up for the truth like David did in asking Jonathan to kill him if he was guilty of anything. He preferred to die in his friend’s hand than in Saul’s hand.   

1n verses 12-23 - Jonathan swore he would let David know what his father's intent was. He told David to hide by the stone of Ezel. Tomorrow he will shoot three arrows like he is shooting at a target and through his instructions to his attendant to find the arrows, he would tell David whether he is safe or not. He asked God to be their witness to this covenant.

Like David, Jonathan stood up for the truth and not for his father. Like Jonathan, we must not let any family members cloud us from standing up for the truth. So, no one should lie to protect a friend or stand on a family member’s side because of their relationship with him. 

In verses 24-34 - Saul noticed David's absence. He wondered if David was ceremonially unclean, but the next day David was still absent. So, he asked Jonathan. Jonathan told him what David told him to say. Saul scolded Jonathan for covering up for David. He said if David was allowed to live, the kingdom would never be his and ordered David to be killed. Jonathan protested and Saul hurled a spear at him. 

Jonathan was certain that his father wanted David dead and left because his father wanted to kill a servant who fought faithfully for him. Saul was afraid of losing his throne. After Saul threw the spear at Jonathan Jonathan left to inform David of his father’s intent to kill him. Unlike David and Jonathan, Saul acted wickedly because he was filled with an evil spirit and not with the Spirit of God. We must walk in the Spirit instead of walking with any evil spirit.

In verses 35-42 - Jonathan went to meet David as arranged. He shot the arrows and asked his attendant to find them. He shouted, “Isn’t the arrow beyond you?” David knew what it meant. After the boy left, David came out and bowed to Jonathan three times. They kissed and wept. David wept the most. Jonathan told David to go in peace as they had a sworn friendship with God as their witness. This bond was also with their descendants forever. They then parted. Jonathan told David of Saul’s intent and to flee. A good farewell because of a sad situation. Sometimes, it is necessary to part with someone instead of wanting them to stay. To part in peace is better than to stay and make everyone unhappy. God will take care of the injustices as vengeance belongs to Him. We are not to take things into your own hands!

Prayer : Lord, help us to stand up for the truth and not stand up for people no matter how good they are to us as friends We must not lie or cover up for anyone! Instead, we are to be witnesses of what is good and pure. 

Great Job!You're right on track.