31/10/2024, Thursday2 Chronicles 24

Stay on course in obedience to God

Ps. Liu Yimei

Passage of the day

Click here to read Ch24


Chapter 24 is divided into two distinct and contrasting periods. The first period was the good years of Joash’s early rule under the guidance of Jehoiada the priest. Verse 2 tells us that Joash did was what right in the eyes of the Lord all the days of Jehoida the priest. The second period was the later years of Joash’s rule where he turned away from God after Jehoiada passed away. Instead of seeking God, Joash listened to the princes of Judah, abandoned the house of the Lord, and served Asherim and the idols (verses 17-18).

Isn’t this a familiar theme? Faithfulness and righteousness verses faithlessness and wickedness. We are also familiar with the consequences. God rewards faithfulness and punishes faithlessness.

The truth is, we are often in this tension between two paths. We depend on God but a period of time, but after a while, we start to take God’s blessings for granted and take our eyes away from God. We listen to the wise counsel of godly people, but after a while the advice of the world seems more enticing.

How do we stay on course in obedience to God?

Chapter 24 reminds us to walk with the Lord (verse 2), to worship God alone (verse 18), to serve God and to be accountable to one another (verses 4-14), and to fear God (verses 20-22).

What does it look like for us in our lives? We are asked to walk with God daily, this requires us to not depend on others (parents, podcasts, seminars, books), but to depend on God’s Word. In learning to read the bible for ourselves and to respond in prayer allows us to cultivate a personal and dependent relationship with God. We are asked to worship God alone. Are there other things that has taken the priority of God in your life? Would you learn to put these down and put God first, submitting and surrendering to Him? We are asked to serve God and to be accountable to one another. How are you using your gifts to serve God? If you are not serving God in any capacity, would you approach your pastor today to seek the possibility to? May we also prioritise fellowship with our brothers and sisters in Christ, so that we can be accountable to one another through the building of relationship with one another. Finally we are asked to fear God. Proverbs 9:10 tells us that the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. As we learn to be obedient to God and to submit to His authority in our lives, we will begin to live our lives with His wisdom.

Would you be willing to stay on course in obedience to God?

Prayer : Dear God, there are often two paths in our lives and we have to choose. Help me to choose to stay on course in obedience to you, and to remain faithful to you. In Jesus’ Christ most precious name I pray, Amen.