27/07/2024, Saturday2 Kings 12

Doing What is Right

Rev. Adrian Lim

Passage of the day

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Verses 1-8 – In the seventh year of Jehu’s reign, Joash became the king of Jerusalem. He ruled for forty years. His mother was Zibiah from Beersheba. Joash obeyed the Lord under Jehoiada the priest. However, he kept the high places as the people continued to worship there. Joash instructed the priests to collect the money offered to the temple, the census, and the personal vows of the worshippers brought voluntarily to the temple to repair it. But in the twenty-third year of his reign work had not started yet so he summoned Jehoiada and the priests to give an account. He told them to stop collecting and use what they had collected to begin the work. The priests agreed but they would not do the work themselves.

The priests’ refusal was because they were not trained to do such work. So, for twenty-three years the work had not begun. Likewise, pastors are not trained to run the church as they were trained only theologically. If they are expected to do so, then the seminaries must start including this area in their curriculum or the church must send them to attend business administration courses. Otherwise, they must employ those trained to run an organization. As Joash instructed the offering collected to be used to employ those who were trained to do the work. On the other hand, pastors must not “pretend” they know how to do so and let the church remain “unrepaired” all these years.

Verses 9-21 - Jehoiada the priest took a box with an opening and put it near the altar. The priests filled it with the money brought to the temple. The secretary and the high priest counted and bagged them to give to the men appointed (administrators) to supervise the work, to pay for the purchase of timber, dressed stone, all the repair work, and the workers. They must not use it for other reasons but the collection from the guilt and sin offerings belonged to the priests. They entrusted the work to reliable men to be in charge.

At this time, Hazael king of Aram had captured Gath and was turning to attack Jerusalem. Joash took the sacred objects dedicated by his predecessors Jehoshaphat, Jehoram, and Ahaziah, the kings of Judah, and the gifts he dedicated and the gold in the temple and palace treasuries and sent them to Hazael. He was able to stop Hazael’s attack. Joash's officials Jozabad son of Shimeath and Jehozabad son of Shome plotted and assassinated him at Beth Millo. He was buried with his ancestors in Jerusalem. Amaziah his son succeeded him. Joash served the Lord faithfully by ordering the repair of the temple. He served God’s people faithfully by protecting them from the attack by Hazael the king of Aram. He took all the wealth of the city including his own and gave them as a peace offering to Hazael to stop him from attacking God’s people, His temple, and the city. This is unlike the leaders of today especially the political ones who enrich themselves instead of caring for those they serve.

However, good men do not live long as Joash was murdered by those close to him. The saying, “Keep your enemies close to you” did not work for him. However, this should not stop anyone from doing good. As God’s people, we must continue to do what is good by giving and serving faithfully to build His church and His people even sacrificially like Jesus,

Our Prayer : Dear Lord, I pray that we will serve the Lord wisely and faithfully. I pray that God may protect His people who are doing their best to do good and punish those who harm His people and do wicked things to others. Also, deliver us from evil and save us from our foolishness as we serve you.

Great Job!You're right on track.