01/08/2024, Thursday2 Kings 17

Worship God Alone !

Rev. Adrian Lim

Passage of the day

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Verses 1-12 - Hoshea son of Elah became the king of Israel in Samaria during Ahaz’s twelfth year as king. He ruled for nine years and sinned even greater than his predecessors. He did not pay tribute to Shalmaneser king of Assyria like his father but allied with So king of Egypt. So, Shalmaneser captured Samaria and imprisoned him. This took place in Hoshea's ninth year as king. The Israelites were exiled to Assyria as God allowed it because Israel sinned against Him worshipping other gods that aroused God's anger. Hoshea betrayed Assyria as an ally and led the people to sin against God like his predecessors. Thus, allowed the king of Assyria to attack Israel and take the people into exile for worshipping other gods. They did this in secret like Hoshea who quietly allied instead to Egypt. We cannot hide anything from God as He sees everything we do in secret. He will discipline those who do not worship Him alone. What “idols” are you worshipping secretly in your life? Repent before it is too late.

Verses 13-23 – God warned the prophets and seers in Israel and Judah to repent but they did not obey Him. He let them become worthless as the idols they worshipped. They worshipped images of calves, the Asherah pole, the stars, and Baal. They even sacrificed their children in the fire, practiced divination, sought omens, and did evil to arouse God’s anger God removed His presence from them. Only Judah was left but they also followed the ways of Israel. God allowed them to be plundered and removed His presence from them. They made Jeroboam son of Nebat king who enticed Israel to sin against Him and refused to repent. God removed presence just as He warned through the prophets by being taken into exile to Assyria. The Israelites did not heed God’s warning, so He allowed them to be exiled to Assyria. Judah was spared but still followed the ways of Israel. They had broken the covenant of the Lord and disobeyed Him to worship idols and offered their children in the fire like the nations around them. If they heeded God’s warning and repent God would have delivered them just as He delivered us when we repent of our sins and believe in Jesus. Will you repent before it might become too late for you too?

Verses 17:24-41 - The Assyrian king brought people from different cities to settle in Samaria after exiling the Israelites. The people did not worship God, so He sent lions to kill them. The king was told, he ordered one of the priests in exile to return to teach the people to worship God. The priest went to Bethel and taught them. However, each group made gods in their towns and set up high places to worship along with God. Some even sacrificed their children to their gods and installed priests to lead them.

The people worshipped God however they liked and as they saw fit. They thought that if they were worshipping Him, He would not mind if they also worshipped these other gods. Thus, they persisted in their syncretic worship of God. Today we continue to mix the Christian faith with practices by "Christianizing" them to do what is right in our own eyes. God sees it as “robbing” worship from Him. It can be our work, our relationships, or our studies where we are “worshipping” more than Him. So much so, that we do not even want to attend worship services or serve Him. Worship Him alone!

Prayer : Lord, if there are any “idols” in my life, I surrender them to you. I will worship You alone and no one else for worship only belongs to You!

Great Job!You're right on track.