07/08/2024, Wednesday2 Kings 23 : 1 - 30

Reviving Hearts Through God's Word

Ps. Joseph Tang

Passage of the day

Click here to read Scripture 


Many people in the Christian life, like Irene Seah, find it challenging to maintain an intimate relationship with God. Despite years of regular attendance and serving faithfully in church, she often struggled with her personal spirituality. This situation is not alone; many believers have similar struggles. Busy lives make it difficult to maintain spiritual habits, often resulting in feelings of guilt and frustration.

In July 2023, Paya Lebar Chinese Methodist Church (PLCMC) launched its Back to Basics (B2B) programme. The programme encourages members to study the same Bible passage each week and then share their insights in a group. This approach not only reinvigorates individual spirituality (as in the case of Irene Seah), but also strengthens the bond between the groups.

This change is similar to that described in Kings 23:1-30. When King Josiah discovered the Book of the Law and read it aloud before the people of Judah, it was more than just a public reading. It was a revival of the heart by the Word of God that brought widespread reform and a renewed commitment to God's commands.

Our church is seeing similar results. Last Sunday, a brother approached me after the service and wanted to discuss with me the devotional message I had written on MCDD, and he was the third person to come to me. This shows us the power of studying God's Word together. Just as Josiah's reading of the Law revived the people, so our study and discussion of the Bible together will bring revival and growth.

Let us be encouraged by these examples. Whether through MCDD, B2B or personal study and discussion, may we, like Josiah, allow the words of Scripture to renew our hearts and lead us in our daily walk with God.

Prayer : Dear Father, we thank you for the transforming power of your Word. Please help us to persevere in our personal devotions and study of the Bible. May we, like Josiah and the people of Judah, be revived and strengthened as we read and study your Word. Let us then build each other up by sharing and understanding your Word. In Jesus' name we pray, Amen.

Great Job!You're right on track.