20/07/2024, Saturday2 Kings 6 : 1 - 23

Can you see ?

Ps. Liu Yimei

Passage of the day

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From chapter 6, we see a series of encounters at various geographical locations and that do not follow any chronology of events. In particular, for today, we see two encounters with Elisha that reminds us of who God is and how He is for us, even when everything else feels like they are going the wrong way. However, are we able to see our God as being bigger than what we are currently facing?

The first story that we see today tells us that God addresses the distress of individuals. The sons of the prophets were working at a building project when the borrowed axe head was lost. The iron is of high value during that time, and losing it was like losing a car of today’s time. The one who lost the axe head was in great distress, because it was borrowed, and he probably knew that he would not be able to repay it so easily. Miraculously, Elisha causes the iron axe head to float up and restored it to the prophet. A need was met and God showed that He is a personal God who responds to the cries of His people. Are you in any personal distress, struggles, or challenges? Nothing is too small to bring to God, nothing is too big that God cannot overcome.

The second story that we read today tells of a time when the king of Syria was planning an attack against Israel when Elisha sent a warning to the king of Israel about the place of attack. The king of Syria was greatly troubled and accused his servants of being a spy. He then realised that Elisha was able to hear what was spoken in his bedroom and sent his horses, chariots and a great army to seize him from Dothan. However, the army ended up being taken captive by Elisha who gave them a great feast and sent them back to their master.

The of this whole story is about the ability to see beyond usual perception. Elisha was able to know what the king of Syria is planning, he is able to be calm when the armies surround him, because he could see the heavenly army surrounding them and protecting them. Elisha said to his servant, “Do not be afraid, for those who are with us are more than those who are with them.”, and he prayed for his servant to see the same. And even then, it was not the heavenly army that sent the enemy’s army away, but through the grace and mercy shown to them.

Are you in an external distress today where you feel like you are facing an army of enemies? The unseen protection of God surrounds us, and we do not have to be afraid. God gives us the courage to fight every battle, and allows His grace and mercy to flow through our actions. The question is, are we able to see, to open our eyes to what God has prepared for us? Do we see God as our shepherd, who prepares a feast for us to enjoy? Do we see God as our Father who loves us and meets our every need? Do we see God as our King, who reigns victorious and powerfully in our lives?

May our eyes be opened to see.

Prayer : Dear Lord, I acknowledge that You are a God of big and small things, and who protects and loves me. Thank you! In Jesus’ name, Amen.

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