19/04/2024, Friday2 Samuel 18 : 1 - 19 : 8

Listen to God’s Instruction!

Rev. Adrian Lim

Passage of the day

Click here to read Ch 18 , Click here to read Ch 19


In verses 1-15, David appointed leaders to command his army. A third of them was under the command of Joab, a third under Joab’s brother, Abishai, and a third under Ittai the Gittite. David wanted to march out with them, but they advised against it as they were concerned for his safety. So, David stayed behind but commanded them not to harm Absalom. The men heard his command. When they were in the forest of Ephraim, Absalom riding on his mule had his hair caught in the branches of a tree when the mule went under it. He was left hanging in the air. Joab’s man told him about it. Joab asked, “Why did he not kill Absalom?” He said he wouldn’t dare because of David’s command. Joab took three javelins and plunged into Absalom's heart while his ten armor-bearers struck and killed him. David listened to his men and stayed behind. Joab’s man listened to David’s command. But Joab did not follow orders. He had become proud. Men like Joab are a problem. But we should let God remove them, unlike Joab who removed Absalom. God is the Judge.

In verses 16-23, Joab had Absalom thrown into a pit in the forest and covered it up with large rocks. Ahimaaz son of Zadok volunteered to inform the king. Joab asked why he wanted to do so as there would be no reward since the king's son was dead. He sent a Cushite instead. Ahimaaz pleaded with Joab to let him go with the Cushite and outran him.

Absalom had earlier erected a pillar in the King's Valley as a monument to himself because he had no son to carry on his name. Now he was buried under a pile of rocks with no one to remember him. The pursuit of fame and power led to his demise. Do not follow Absalom’s footsteps but seek first the kingdom of God and He will remember you.

In verses 24-33, A watchman saw Ahimaaz running towards the gate and told David. David asked if he was alone. If he is, he must have news. Then he saw another runner and told David. David said the same thing. The watchman told David the first runner looked like Ahimaaz. David said he was a good man and must have good news. Ahimaaz greeted David but David was concerned only about Absalom. Ahimaaz said he did not know only that the enemy was defeated. David told him to stand aside and wait for the Cushite to come. The Cushite told David Absalom was dead. David went to the room and wept for Absalom. All parents like David who loved his son even though he had rebelled against him. God loves us too as He sent His Son to die for us while we were still sinners. Absalom not only rebelled but wanted to kill his father. Yet David wished he was dead instead of his son. The gospel message is in the story of David and his rebellious son, the power of love.

In chapter 19:1-8, Joab was told David was mourning. He went and rebuked him for humiliating those who saved him. He said David made them they are worthless to him. He told David to encourage the men if not there would be no men left to serve him. His trouble would then be greater. So, David got up and did what he had to do.

David was a relational person and relational people cannot see the “big picture.” His strength was also his weakness. A leader must be able to see the “big picture” and not let his feelings or his relationships cause him to overlook the “big picture.”

Pray : For the leadership crisis we have today. Many church leaders cannot see the “big picture” because they let their feelings and relationships precede the good of the mission and vision of the church.

Great Job!You're right on track.