06/04/2024, Saturday2 Samuel 5 : 1 - 25

Be like David!

Rev. Adrian Lim

Passage of the day

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In verses 1-12, the twelve tribes of Israel came to Hebron and acknowledged that God had anointed David as king in place of Saul. The elders covenanted with David and anointed him as king of Israel. He was thirty years old when he became king and ruled for forty years—seven and a half years as king in Hebron over Judah and thirty-three years in Jerusalem.

When David and his men marched to Jerusalem to attack the Jebusites, they mocked David so that even the “blind and lame” could keep David out of the city. But David captured the city and made his home here. He called it the City of David. God honored David before the king of Tyre, Hiram, sent cedar logs, carpenters, and stonemasons to build David’s palace. David then knew God established him as king over Israel for the sake of His people, Israel. God puts us in a position and gives us our ministries not because of how good we are but to serve His people. We must not be proud or complacent like Saul but be conscious of His work in our lives as He can give, and He can also take what He gives away.

In verses 13-25, David took more concubines and wives in Jerusalem after he left Hebron. So, he had more children: Shammua, Shobab, Nathan, Solomon, Ibhar, Elishua, Nepheg, Japhia, Elishama, Eliada, and Eliphelet.

The Philistine people heard David was anointed king, they came to look for him in the Valley of Rephaim. David asked God if he should attack them. God told him to do so and promised to deliver them into his hands. David defeated the Philistines at Baal Perazim where the Philistines abandoned their idols. They came here a second time to the Valley of Rephaim and David asked God again. God told him to encircle them from behind and attack them in front of the poplar trees. David struck them as God promised. In every battle, David sought God to guide him, and God kept His promise He made to David, and he defeated his enemies. Everything that we do we must seek the Lord and He will give us success as well. We may make decisions for our own lives, but we must ask for God’s decision in doing His will. We must notuse our wisdom and way to do God’s work just as Saul did. God will give us success in what He calls us to do if we obey Him.

Prayer : Father, help us to seek you O Lord, and be faithful to do as you instruct us. Help us not to be prideful and complacent like Saul but be like David who followed you just as Jesus commanded us to follow Him as His disciples. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.

Great Job!You're right on track.