10/04/2024, Wednesday2 Samuel 9 : 1-13

Upholding Promises

Ps. Joseph Tang

Passage of the day

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Do we frequently make promises? And more importantly, do we honour them? Regularly making empty promises tarnishes our reputation and erodes trust. It is crucial to only make promises when we are serious about them and follow through on our commitments.

The narrative in 2 Samuel 9 gives us insight into the character of David. David’s integrity and commitment to his promises show us why God chose him to be king.

1.Remembering his promise

David remembered his covenant with Jonathan and promised to treat Jonathan’s descendants well (2 Samuel 9:1). He did not forget his promises even after the death of Jonathan. This reflects David's deep sense of trustworthiness and commitment to his word.

2.Actively pursuing the fulfilment of his promises

David actively sought out any remaining descendants of Saul's family, showing that he was proactive in fulfilling his promise (2 Samuel 9:1). Rather than passively waiting for an opportunity to arise, David took the initiative to ensure that he fulfilled his commitments.

3.Going above and beyond his promises

When David found Mephibosheth, he not only provided him with land, but also invited him to dine at the king’s table (2 Samuel 9:7). This act of generosity was more than just the fulfilment of a duty and reflected David's genuine care and compassion for Jonathan's descendants.

4.Fulfilling his promises in unfavourable circumstances

Despite the potential for suspicion or future danger posed by Mephibosheth's family ties to Saul, David honoured his word and demonstrated kindness (2 Samuel 9:6, 13). (2 Samuel 9:6, 13). This illustrates David's steadfast integrity and commitment to doing the right thing, even under potentially difficult circumstances.

In summary, David’s actions in 2 Samuel 9 demonstrate his integrity, keeping his word, and commitment to doing what is just and honourable. These qualities were one of the reasons God anointed him as king and why he was viewed as a man after God’s own heart.

Remember God promised to send his son (Isaiah 9:6), and he fulfilled his promise. By honouring his promises, we are now saved.

Prayer : Dear father, help us sincerely fulfil the promises we make. May we follow David's example of integrity, actively fulfilling commitments with kindness. Grant us the strength to uphold our word, reflecting your righteousness. Just as you fulfilled your promise by sending Jesus, may we also honour our commitments, bringing glory to your name. In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.

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