03/09/2023, SundayDeuteronomy 12

Do not worship the LORD like the pagans

Ps. Lam Yuen Foong

Passage of the day

Click here to read Deuteronomy 12


Destroy all cultic worship. Do not learn to worship like the pagans. You must worship God at the place He has chosen. Worship God at the chosen place of worship for every tribe. Bring all your sacrifices to the place of worship. Do not set up other altars for convenience, like the pagans. Do not offer sacrifice at any site other than that chosen for all. Gather at the place of worship to sacrifice and to rejoice. Do not eat your sacrifices elsewhere.

However, you may eat meat freely where you are but do not drink blood as it represents life. Do not worship your God in the same manner as the pagan worship.

In this chapter, God was not concerned that the Israelites would worship other gods but that they worship according to the pagans. Why? God said that their ways of worship are evil. What does God mean? I think it is because the purpose of pagan worship is incorrect. They worship for themselves rather than their gods. They sacrifice as a trade with their gods and not out of gratitude. They build many places of worship for convenience and a sense of protection. They did not worship their gods to glorify them.

What about us today? Do we worship for convenience? Do we dress our best to worship, or do we dress for our comfort? Do we choose our Church because of proximity or because of calling? Do we simply attend a service or worship God with praises?

Oh Lord, help us come to you with the heart of worship, for you deserve it!

Great Job!You're right on track.