24/09/2023, SundayDeuteronomy 29

Trust God alone

Ps. Lam Yuen Foong

Passage of the day

Click here to read Deuteronomy 29


Moses again gathered the Israelites, but this time in the land of Moab. The LORD wanted to reestablish His covenant with them.

Moses reminded the Israelites of the ten plaques that they had gone through. The entire experience was not meant only for the Egyptians. Everything was done so that the Israelites knew who the LORD, their God, was. Next was the journey in the wilderness for forty years. While the journey might not be particularly adventurous, it was a great miracle. In the forty years, they had no lack of food and drinks despite the significant number of them travelling in the wilderness. Besides, their clothes and shoes were not worn. Finally, without training, they defeated the King of Heshborn and Bashan and occupied their lands.

Shouldn’t all the above be enough to convince the Israelites that the LORD is the almighty God? All that the LORD wanted was to be their God, and they be His people. The Israelites should never worship any idol as their God. If anyone refused to obey, the nation would be cursed.

All these sound so logical. Why should God repeat? However, you and I know the outcome – the Israelites worship idols in no time.

What about ourselves? Do we know who we worship? If we are unsure, perhaps we should ask God for more evidence. If we are sure, let us not doubt Him further. Let us not turn to other powers for spiritual, economic, or political protection. Let us be reminded that the LORD, God, can carry us through in all situations.

Prayer: LORD, you know that we are faithless. Often, we fall. Please help our unbelief. Please help us to focus on you alone in all situations. In Jesus name I pray, amen!

Great Job!You're right on track.