Last 5 Days
Living for our King
If you are into movies, you might have watched “The Hunger Games”, a movie about a dystopia set in Panem, a North American country consisting of the wealthy Capitol and twelve (originally 13) districts of varying states of poverty. The Capitol was a place of wealth, thriving in decadence, is lavishly rich, and technologically advanced.
This lavish and rich Capitol was not unlike the rich kingdom of King Ahasuerus in the book of Esther. His riches, powers, and territories were vast, and he was prideful about it. Three banquets were mentioned in just this chapter: one for the key military and political officers of the empire (verses 1–4); one for the men of Shushan (Susa in Greek), site of the king’s winter palace (verses 5–8); and one for the women of Shushan (verse 9), presided over by Queen Vashti.
It was important that Ahasuerus impressed his nobles and military leaders with his wealth and power because he was planning for their allegiance. With the marble pillars, gorgeous drapes, couches of gold and silver etc (verse 6), who would not be impressed and submit to the king? And so when Queen Vashti said no to King Ahasuerus (verse 12), even though it was a wrong request, he was very angry. His power was undermined – if he was not able to command his own wife, how could he command the armies? He was embarrassed.
Pride feeds anger, and as it grows, anger reinforces pride. Proverbs 14:17 tells us that “a quick-tempered man acts foolishly”, and this perfectly illustrated King Ahasuerus. He made impetuous decisions that he later regretted, he became angry when he did not get his own way, and he was susceptible to flattery that fanned his pride.
King Ahasuerus was certainly not an example for us to follow, but his foolishness set the stage for the entrance of Esther, the women who would deliver her people.
From this setting of stage for the book of Esther, we are reminded that all authority comes from God and that He alone is in complete control. Even in the worst of situations and even with authority such as prideful King Ahasuerus, God will, in His time, bring about deliverance for His people.
In our own reflection, may we rid our lives of pride and boastfulness, and humbly turn our focus to our Lord, submitting all decisions and our ways of lives to Him, our King. May we live our lives desiring for God’s Kingdom, and not for the building up of our own.
Prayer: Dear Father, thank you for reminding me to humbly turn my focus to You. You are the Sovereign King, and You have all authority over heavens and the earth. Help me to submit and surrender my will to you. In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.