11/10/2023, WednesdayJoshua 3

Crossing Jordan

Ps. Lam Yuen Foong

Passage of the day

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If I were to ask you which is more spectacular? The crossing of the Red Sea or the crossing of Jordan? What would you say? For a long time, I thought the crossing of the Red Sea was more spectacular as there were two walls of water erected left and right while the Israelites crossed in between. In contrast, the crossing of the Jordan was just a dried-up river.

The fact of the matter was, in the case of Jordan, there was still a wall of water, but it was in the city of Adam, far from where they were. The land from there turned dry all the way to the mouth of the Dead Sea. That was massive. It became visible not only to the Israelites but also to all the Canaanites who stayed in that area.

Why did God do that? According to v7, God told Joshua, "Today I will begin to exalt you in the sight of all Israel, that they may know that, as I was with Moses, so I will be with you."

Joshua was only an assistant to Moses. All of a sudden, he was to take over the role of Moses. Would people respect him? He already got the answer from chapter one. The leaders of every tribe told him that they would respect him as they respected Moses on the condition that God was with him. All that Joshua had to prove to these people to win their respect was to show that God was with him. The crossing of River Jordan was no less a miracle than the crossing of the Red Sea. That was sufficient evidence that God was with Joshua.

However, may I suggest that was not the only reason for the miracle? According to Joshua 5:1, all the kings of the Amorites' hearts melted when they heard how the Israelites crossed the Jordan River. So, the other reason for having the miracle was to cause fear to the enemies.

Of course, there is yet a third reason for the miracle. That is for everyone who reads His words to know He is almighty.

Even though we have not seen the miracles, the historical events that led the Israelites to occupy Canaan are undeniable.

Prayer: LORD, teach us to be obedient and gain favour in you like Joshua, that we may be exalted. Thank you, God. In Jesus' name we pray, Amen.

Great Job!You're right on track.