16/11/2023, ThursdayJudges 15

Man Destroys But God Delivers!

Rev. Adrian Lim

Passage of the day

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In verses 1-8, after Samson got over his wife’s betrayal, he went to his father-in-law’s home to find that he had given her to one of his friends. So, the father-in-law offered Samson his younger daughter instead. Samson thought this gave him an excuse to get even with the Philistines for what the father-in-law did.

The lesson: There are always a hundred reasons to justify our actions.

He caught three hundred foxes and tied their tail together in pairs and a torch to their tails each. He then lit the torches and let them run loose to burn down the crops, the vineyards, and the olive groves. The Philistines found out that it was Samson who did it because of what his father-in-law did. So, they went and burned her and her father to death. Samson retaliated by killing those who killed his wife and family. He then left.

The lesson: There is no end in vengeance. There will be many deaths that follow after it.

In verses 9-20, the Philistines went to Judah to look for Samson and the men of Judah asked them what they were doing here. The Philistines ruled Judah. They said they wanted Samson as their prisoner because of what he had done to their people. So, 3000 Judeans went to find Samson and Samson asked them to promise not to kill him if he surrendered himself. The Judeans promised and Samson was handed over to the Philistines.

The lesson: You cannot hide from your sin. Your sin will find you out.

So, they bound him with two new ropes and led him up from the rock. But God vindicated Samson as His Spirit came upon Samson, the ropes loosen by themselves, He then took a jawbone of a dead donkey as a weapon and killed a thousand of them. Samson was thirsty and he cried to God and God opened a spring for him to quench his thirst. The place was called Ramath Lehi (Hill of Lehi) and the spring was called En Hakkore (Fountain of the Crier). Samson became the judge of Israel for 20 years after this incident.

The lesson:

God will deliver and provide for us in our helplessness.

Other Lessons:

1. All actions will have repercussions and lead to retaliation.

2. God will vindicate for his servant from the hands of his enemy.

3. Trust in the Lord! Do not take revenge for yourselves. We will make things messier.

4. Trust in the Lord! He will vindicate and provide for us.

Reflective Prayer:

Lord, help me not to act rashly and take matters into my own hands. Instead, teach me to trust in You as vengeance belongs to You, and not mine! I trust that You will deliver and provide for me. I will trust in You alone and not depend on my wisdom and strength.

Great Job!You're right on track.