06/05/2023, SaturdayLeviticus 6

Sinners made holy

Ps. Liu Yimei

Passage of the day

Click here to read Leviticus 6


Leviticus 6:1-7 are the final verses regarding the details to how the Israelites were to bring and offer sacrifices for a guilt offering. Subsequent verses in Leviticus 6 detailed God commanding Moses to instruct the priests with reference to the different offerings – the burnt offering, the grain offering, and the sin offering. What are some of the responsibilities of the priests regarding the offerings?

First, the priests have to keep the fire of the burnt offering burning (6:9, 12, 13). This holy fire on the altar had to be kept going because it was the dynamic centre of the sacrificial system. Offerings consumed by the fire were turned into smoke, therefore, if the fire went out, the power of this symbolism would be drastically diminished.

Second, the priests were to set an example to be followed through consecration (6:14-23). The priests were to offer the grain offering twice a day, stating their consecration to their service of priesthood, as well as acknowledging one’s sin and need of forgiveness. Paying homage to the Lord daily also kept the priests’ ministry in perspective, that the priests, too, were under a higher authority.

Third, sins must be treated seriously, and holiness is expected (6:24-30). The offering shall be eaten by the priests and only within the court of the tent. Through the priesthood, His people were to see that sin is to be taken seriously, and that the glory of God is not to be trivialised.

Even though these instructions were given to the priests, the recipients of these instructions are the Israelites, God’s people. Similarly, while God’s ministers carry out God’s work today, it is to help God’s people to have an ongoing encounter with God. Ministers of God’s work must continue to allow God’s Word to inspire His people to lead holy lives.

For us as Christians, through the saving grace of Jesus Christ, we, who are sinners, are able to access God, who is holy, directly. We are a chosen people, a royal priesthood (1 Peter 2:9), but we are not meant to remain in church, in isolated piety. We are commissioned to go out into the world, to bring the good news to people who are living in darkness, so that they too may know God, praise God, may put their sins at the foot of Christ, and choose to live holy lives. May we follow Him and trust Him, allow Him to wash away our sins and purify us wholly and completely, and may we be amazed by the marvellous things He will do for us and through us.

Prayer: Dear Lord, I am planted exactly where You want me to be, I am serving you through gifts you have given to me. Thank you for your grace and mercy, that I may worship You and have a personal relationship with You. Help me to follow you wholeheartedly, and to bring your good news to the end of the earth. In Jesus name I pray, Amen.

Great Job!You're right on track.