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Deprived of Enjoying God’s Blessings
Click here to read Numbers 20
As the Israelites entered the wilderness of Zin, Moses’ two siblings, Miriam and Aaron died. Miriam died in Kadesh where they camped, and Aaron died on the Mount of Hor. As Kadesh, two things also happened. In verses 2-13, Moses and Aaron disobeyed God and were given the same punishment as the Israelites, they died without seeing the land. In verses 14-21, the Edomites refused to allow them to pass through their land, so they journeyed towards Mount Hor where Aaron died in verses 22-29. Aaron’s priesthood was passed down to his son, Eleazar as his priestly attire was given to him.
At the Waters of Meribah, the people quarreled with the Lord and blamed Moses for bringing them here to die of thirst as there was no water. Moses and Aaron consulted God at the tent of meeting and God told them to tell the rock to yield water for them to drink. But Moses took his staff and stuck the rock instead. So, God told Moses and Aaron that because they did not believe in Him and uphold Him as holy before Israel, they would not be the ones to lead them into the land.
After the incident, Moses sent messengers to the king of Edom who were related to Israel as the Edomites were the descendants of Esau, the brother of Jacob (Israel) to seek to pass through their land. This was all he asked as they will not take any food or drink from their land. But the king of Edom refused to let them pass through their territory, so Israel took another route to the direction of Mount Hor where Aaron died. God told Moses to take Aaron and Eleazar up with him because God was taking Aaron home and passing on his priesthood to his son, Eleazer as chief priest. The people realized that Aaron passed away only when Moses and Eleazer came down without Aaron. They mourned for Aaron for thirty days.
Every person will die one day. Miriam died most likely from natural causes. God was calling Aaron back when He asked Moses to bring him and his son, Eleazer up the mountain. Moses died later after them. But both were told by God that they will die without seeing the Promised Land. This is not a loss of salvation but a loss of the pleasure of enjoying God’s blessings to them. This loss was a consequence of their disobedience to God.
Likewise, we may lose the pleasure of enjoying God’s blessings on earth because of our disobedience to Him. The Bible says that “The wages of sin” for the unbelievers is death. But “the wages of sin” for the believers is this loss of the pleasure of being able to enjoy the blessings of God now on earth.
What have you “lost” so far in your journey with the Lord that you could have been enjoying now? We could have enjoyed the abundant life Jesus promised from the moment we believe in Him as our Savior. We can do so if we have been listening carefully to what He says, unlike Moses and Aaron who instead of “telling the rock” struck it with his staff. In his anger and frustration, Moses struck the rock instead of telling it as God told him to do.
Do you act or react out of your emotion instead of doing as God says? Be careful to listen carefully instead of reacting emotionally because of how you feel.
My Prayer: O Lord, teach me to listen carefully to what You said and do it correctly right You tell me instead of carelessly and emotionally out of our frustrations instead. So, help me Lord I pray.