27/07/2023, ThursdayNumbers 32

Would you fight with your brothers?

Ps. Benjamin Yeo

Passage of the day

Click here to read Numbers 32


After the Israelites, by the mighty power of Yahweh, had triumph over the Kingdom of Sihon, the king of Amorites, of Og king of Bashan, and the Midianites, the gained large amount of land and possession. The people of Reuben and Gad had gained a large number of livestock. In verse 4, they told Moses that they needed “a land for livestock, and your servants have livestock”. The repetition of the word livestock emphasized that they had a great number of livestock, and they had requested for the land which they had taken from kingdoms of Sihon, Og and the Midianites. They had requested to settle down without crossing the river Jordon (verse 5). After 40 years of walking in the wilderness, it seemed like the two tribes were contented to be left outside the promised land.

Moses became concerned and he rebuked the people of their requests with these words, Shall your brothers go to the war while you sit here?How was it possible that the two tribes were willing to be in the safe walls, enjoying family time and happy rearing their livestock while the rest of their comrades continue to fight the war on the other side of the river. Moses told them that with them pulling out from the team, there was going to be a drop in numbers and it was going to be a major discouragement to those who were preparing for war.

Moses reminded them of the incident in Kadesh Barnea when the ten spies discouraged the Israelites after they return from assessing the land. They were afraid of the giants in the land and prevented the Israelites from entering despite that it was God’s promise for them to enter. The entire nation of Israelites reacted in fear because of these discouraging words, and as a result, the Lord’s anger was on them and the first generation of Israelites could not enter into the promise land. Moses reminded the Reubenites and Gadites that their unedifying acts might result in the same results.

As a responses to Moses, the people of Reuben and Gad promised him that they will settle the woman and children in the land they have requested, but they will take up arms, ready to go before the people of Israel, until we have brought them to their place. (verse 17) They promised that they will not return to their homes until each of the people of Israel has gained his inheritance. (verse 18) The Reubenites and Gadites committed to fight shoulder to shoulder with the their brother until the end of the fight.

Dear brothers and sisters, will you fight alongside your brothers and sisters in the kingdom of God? Will you encourage those are serving faithfully and tirelessly by coming alongside them? The truth is ministries can be challenging, simply because it is a spiritual warfare. The evil one will do everything in his power to disrupt any possible hints of unity and growth in the church. We as sinful man can become abrasive in the midst of our service to one another. People in ministry can turn away feeling discouraged or hurt in the midst of serving God. It would be easier to “support” from the side, without getting into the heart of the fight and get hurt. However, Moses words must ring in our ears, Shall your brothers go to the war while you sit here? Are we ready to let our brothers fight on their own, when you know that your God given gifts can make a difference in the arena with them.

The final scene of the marvel movie, Avengers Infinity War come into my mind. Captain Amercia stood alone in face of the vast army of the villain Thanos in the final fight. It seemed like a futile fight, but he stood faithfully. But in the most dramatic of moments, the rest of the avengers appeared and assembled behind him. There was a specific scene when you saw hope in the eyes of Captain America. He was not alone anymore.

In the same light, in this season where we are electing leaders of the church, I call to you whom God has given the gift and experience of leadership. Would you step up in faith and boldness to take care of your brothers and sisters in arm, trusting that God will take care of you. Would you fight with your brothers, so that they are no longer alone?

Prayer: Dear God, help us to trust that you have already claimed victory to this battle on earth, and be willing to take step of faith to step up to serve alongside our brothers and sisters in the areas of our gifting and your prompting. In Jesus name we pray, amen.

Great Job!You're right on track.