02/07/2023, SundayNumbers 6:22-27

Yahweh’s bountiful blessings

Ps. Liu Yimei

Passage of the day

Click here to read Numbers 6


Many of us have heard of the blessing in Numbers 6:22-27, and may even have used it as a form of blessing for someone else. Indeed, the words used are beautiful and meaningful, and even more so when we know that they are formulated by God Himself.

In Numbers 6:22-27, God instructs Moses to tell Aaron to bless the Israelites. It is a prayer to be uttered by men, and is a request for blessing from God. The Hebrew word for bless is barak, which means to give to someone, something that the giver deems valuable. Here, we are to see that this blessing allows the recipients to know that Yahweh’s gracious presence is with them.

The blessing here is brief, but poetic. Each pair begins with Yahweh as the subject, and wishes for Him to have a favourable attitude towards the recipient of the blessing. In this way, it emphasizes that Yahweh is the giver and source of all blessings and goodness in life. In the original language, the poem has three lines. The first line consists of three words, the second line consists of five words, and the third line consists of seven words. The expansion of the structure is a visual indication of how the blessings get bigger and better. Finally, verse 27 reminds the Israelites that as Yahweh’s name is on the people, He will claim them as His own, and He will bless them and take care of them.

How wonderful it is for the Israelites to receive this blessing from Aaron before they enter to claim the Promised Land, knowing that Yahweh will bless them, guard them, enlighten them, and love them, as they go forth to do what He has commanded them. Indeed, Yahweh’s gracious presence is with them, and will be with them.

What does this blessing bring to mind? For us, we receive words of blessing through the benediction at the end of each Sunday service. We can also be reminded that our Lord will bless us, guard us, enlighten us, and love us, as we go into the world to do what He has commanded and commissioned us to do. His gracious presence is with us to live victorious lives in our earthly home.

As a poetic revelation of God’s gracious presence with us, may we, too, pray this blessing over someone today. Would you recite the blessing to someone today, reminding them of God’s gracious presence with them?

Receive this blessing, as you go forth in the day.

The Lord bless you and keep you;

the Lord make his face to shine upon you and be gracious to you;

the Lord lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace.

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