10/01/2023, TuesdayExodus 10

Hardened heart and Humble heart

Rev. Dr. Jerry Goh

Passage of the day

Click here to read Exodus 10


After the seven plagues, Pharoah was still stubborn and unyielding. He refused to humble himself before God who demanded, “Let my people go, so that they may worship me.” (v. 3) This chapter records the 8th and 9th plagues that God determined to pour upon Pharaoh and the Egyptians. The reasons for this harsh treatment on the Egyptians were: (a) as a testimony to the Israelite descendants of how God had dealt sternly with the Egyptians, and (b) for Moses himself to know without a doubt that He is God! (v.2)

The 8th plague tells us God sent locust into the land of Egypt to destroy all the crops. In March or April (equivalent of Spring) the prevailing east winds (v. 13) would bring hordes of migratory locusts at their immature and most voracious stage. (NIVSB, p. 99) They could feed on plants and trees and make them bare in no time. Here, the plague was brought to Egypt through Moses by the command of the Almighty God.

In the last 2-3 years, due to the Ukraine War and global warming, life has become unpredictable. In some parts of the world, life has entered an unbearable stage, and many people are beginning to feel that “the lack of food” is a reality.

When God sent the locust that ate away all the produce in the land of Egypt, the people were left with nothing! This might remind some Egyptians who lived long enough to remember the seven years of plenty and seven years of famine during the time of Joseph.

In this passage, after Pharaoh seemingly repented and Moses prayed, God diverted the locusts’ flight with a west wind, and the locusts left the land of Egypt. (Verses 16-20)

Perhaps a lesson for us is that it is the Lord who provides. He sends plenty of grain as well as famine upon the land! If this were true, then men (including Pharaoh and all of Pharaoh’s type) need to learn the powerful saying of the Bible,

And he humbled you and let you hunger and fed you with manna, which you did not know, nor did your fathers know, that he might make you know that man does not live by bread alone, but man lives by every word that comes from the mouth of the Lord. (Deut. 8:3)

May we remember that God is our Provider of both physical and spiritual food to feed our body and soul.

The 9th plague was darkness over the whole land of Egypt and that it might be felt by all. (v. 21) This plague followed in quick tandem on the heels of the 8th. We can safely assume that the plague of darkness was once again only upon the Egyptians. None of the people were able to rise or do anything because of the three days of darkness.

Now, it seems that Pharaoh was repentant. Finally, he was allowing the Israelites to go and worship their God, but on condition that they would not take any animals with them. But Moses bargained that they needed the animals to offer sacrifices to God. This angered Pharaoh so that he refused to let the Israelites go.

The struggle of power ended with the break in communication between Pharaoh and Moses. They were furious with each other so much so that they would not wish to see each other’s face again.

Prayer : Dear God who sent the Ten Plagues as a testimony to the Egyptians and the Israelites. You are the Almighty God in whose hands is the power over the wind and the rain, the insects and livestock, the water and the storm, and over the light and darkness. You are the Deliverer God who has set us free from the slavery of our sin and shame, restored us to our relationship with you and bestow on us the endearing name of being Your sons and daughters. We thank you for your love, grace and protection for us. Help us to be humble and follow your leading in this new year of adventure with you. In Christ’s name. Amen!

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