13/01/2023, FridayExodus 12:31-51

The Exodus

Rev. Adrian Lim

Passage of the day

Click here to read Exodus 12:31-51


It was only after the firstborn of Pharaoh was slain that Pharoah let the Israelites leave Egypt. This happened quickly and swiftly as Pharaoh did not what to see more deaths among his people. So, the Israelites left hurriedly taking with them the unleavened dough and kneading troughs after living for 430 years in Egypt. 

As they left, they “plundered” the Egyptians of their silver, gold, and clothing. Six hundred thousand of them excluding women and children left on foot that night, the beginning of the exodus. Many other people also left with the Israelites taking along their livestock. It was said, “Because the LORD kept vigil that night to bring them out of Egypt, on this night all the Israelites are to keep vigil to honor the LORD for the generations to come.” 

In verse 36, we read that God was the One who delivered them out of Egypt. So, it was not on their own efforts or that Pharaoh acted mercifully. In verse 31, we find the unbelieving Pharaoh still wanted to be blessed by God. Instead, God blessed Israel abundantly in their exit from Egypt. God protected them and they were told to protect their hearts from forgetting His deliverance from their plight.

Thus, God gave them the rules to observe the Passover in verses 43-51. Those who were not Israelites and left with them were not to participate in the Passover meal. They were aliens, slaves, temporary residents, and hired workers. The meal was to be eaten in their houses. No meat was allowed to be taken outside of them. They must also not break the bones of the Passover lamb. 

The whole community must celebrate it together. The only exception for aliens to celebrate with them was when they have become Jews and circumcised. No uncircumcised person was allowed to participate in the meal, native-born or aliens living among them. They did just as God commanded through Moses and Aaron on the day God brought them out of Egypt in their groups.

The Passover like the Lord’s Supper is meant only for God’s people. They are sacred and must not be defiled. We must not take lightly the observing of the Lord’s Supper as the Jews were not to take lightly the participating of the Passover meal. The uncircumcised are not allowed to participate in the Passover meal. So, those who have not been baptized are not to participate in the Lord’s Supper. They are reminders of God’s deliverance of His people. 

My Prayer: “Lord, as I celebrate the Lord’s Supper every time, I will do it joyfully and in gratitude to You for setting me free from my sins! 

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