15/01/2023, SundayExodus 14

God is sovereign over all

Rev. Dr. Jerry Goh

Passage of the day

Click here to read Exodus 14


After the Ten Plagues and the death of Pharaoh’s first-born son, and all the first born of the people and animals of Egypt, he reluctantly let Israel go as the LORD had demanded. (Ex. 12:29-32) The last few verses in Chapter 13 tell us that God led them into the wilderness towards the Red Sea, and the people were in a tricky position if the Egyptians were to pursue them.

In this chapter, we learned that Pharaoh indeed changed his mind and commanded his army to pursue the Israelites. (vv. 5-7) Scripture tells us with no doubt that it was the Lord who had hardened Pharaoh’s heart (vv. 4, 8, 17) so that he commanded his army to pursue the Israelites.

God Himself clearly said that His reason for hardening of Pharaoh’s heart was that He might get glory OVER Pharaoh and the Egyptians, and so that the Egyptians might know that He is the LORD. This is in direct answer to Pharaoh’s words, “Who is the LORD?” (5: 2). Now they know who God is and who is in charge over the whole of Egypt, not Pharaoh of Egypt but the God of Israel. As believers, we can be assured that our God is the same yesterday, today and forever and he is sovereign over all. (Hebrews 13:8)

In verse 10. When Israel saw Pharaoh and the Egyptian army were drawing nearer, they feared greatly. They began to complain against their leader Moses (vv. 12-13) and they regretted following Moses’ leadership and advice. Have we ever been found complaining against our leader for trying to be smart and leading us the wrong way? Many of us are guilty, I too am guilty.

I admire Moses’ calmness in the LORD. He did not take the people’s complaints personally but directed their attention to God, “The LORD will fight for you.” (v. 14) He advised the people to stay calm and be silent. In the midst of turbulence in the world or when we are weary and heavy laden with cares in our life, Jesus calls us to go to Him and promises to give us rest. (Matthew 11:28)

When Moses inquired of the LORD, it seems that God was not 100% happy with him. (v. 15) Perhaps Moses was asking God, “How?” “What to do?” But the LORD wanted Moses to step up into the next level of faith – ask the people to move forward. This is not an easy thing because the people were near the water edge of the sea, one more step and they would fall into the water. It was dangerous and the Israelites had to exercise 100% faith in their God and their leader Moses.

At the LORD’s command, Moses stretched out his hand and parted the Red Sea, and both sides of the water became like two walls so that Israel was able to walk on dry ground (vv. 16, 21-22) The LORD performed the miracle of parting the Red Sea with the cooperation and obedience of His servant Moses.

When the Egyptians followed along in hot pursuit of the Israelites, the LORD commanded Moses to stretch out his hand over the sea again, and this time God caused the water to cover and swallow up the Egyptian army. (vv. 26-29)

Thus God saved Israel from the Egyptians and they saw God’s great power when the Egyptians were drown in the sea. This caused Israel to fear the LORD and believe in Him and His servant Moses.

When God performs a miracle in our life, does it cause us to be renewed in our fear and reverence for Him? Does the miracle cause us to increase in our faith in Him and put our trust in the leaders He has given to us?

Prayer: Dear Sovereign LORD, you are the God of the nations. You have full power over everyone and everything in this world. We thank you that You are our God, Saviour and Deliverer. Please help us grow in our faith and knowledge of you and grow in reverent fear and obedience to Your will. In Christ’s name. Amen!

Great Job!You're right on track.