17/01/2023, TuesdayExodus 16

His Grace is sufficient for me

Ps. Benjamin Yeo

Passage of the day

Click here to read Exodus 16


Grumbling has become the trademark of sinful man. The people of Israel had just witnessed the mighty power of God of splitting the red sea and just a minute ago, there were still giving thanks and rejoicing of God’s grace. Now? They were grumbling. They grumbled to Moses and Aaron that there was no food, and they would rather die full stomach in Egypt than to die hungry out in the wilderness.

God told Moses that He will provide quail and manna for them. That evening, quails came and covered the entire camp, and the people of Israel ate to their fill. The next morning, when the morning dew had gone up, a frost like flake covered the ground. The bible described the frost like flakes to be white like coriander seed and tasted like wafers made with honey. The Israelites named it manna.

The instructions given to the Israelites were for them to collect manna daily for 5 days a week, each person collecting one omer or about 1.5 to 2 kilograms of manna each time. Each were told to take enough for themselves, some tried to save extra, but it was infested with worms and spoiled. However, on the sixth day, they are to gather two portions, because it did not appear on the seventh day, which was declared to be Sabbath, a day of rest for the people. And yet, the portion they saved for Sabbath did not spoil.

The purpose of the provision of the manna was for the Israelites to know the Lord. It was for them to know that God will provide for their needs even as they wander in the wilderness with almost nothing. However, God needed them to trust Him by obeying His instructions. Their obedience to the collection of the manna was a necessary exercise to help them understand that their God was sufficient for them. They did not have to worry about tomorrow, because God provided their needs daily. Just like a child who never had to worry about what they will eat or drink, because he knows Dad and mum are in control of it. They can go on to play with their child like faith.

In the New Testament in the gospel of John, another bread story arose when Jesus fed 5000 men. The people had followed Jesus into the wilderness, and they had no food to eat. Jesus multiplied the five loaves of bread and two fishes to feed all seated there to their full. Then further in the same chapter, Jesus said, “I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to me will never go hungry, and whoever believes in me will never be thirsty.” (John 6:35) He who provided for the Israelites in the time of Moses continue to provide for those who believe in Him.

My dear brothers and sisters, Jesus is sufficient for us, and you will enjoy that restedness only if you are willing to let go of the desperate control of your life and trust that He is sufficient for you. What are you holding on to desperately in your life? Success? Pride? Greed? Anger? Would you let go and let God steer the path for you. That path God wants will surely the best path, rather than to keep control of what we want to become.

Dear God, would you help us to know that your provision is enough for us, and as we learn to let go part by part of the things we hold tightly to, would you help us find that joy of surrender. Thank you Lord, in Jesus name we pray, amen.

Great Job!You're right on track.