21/01/2023, SaturdayExodus 20

Hear, Obey, Love

Ps. Liu Yimei

Passage of the day

Click here to read Exodus 20


Exodus 20 holds a series of ten commandments that are familiar to many Christians. Hear about it and it may be inevitable that we think of them as a set of rules that God has given to mankind. Follow them, and we will be right with God. However, as we read and think deeper about these commandments, we also begin to realise that it is not easy to keep all the commandments. And so, if we think that we can get right with God simply by keeping the commandments, then it is going to be a very difficult task. Why is that so? Because the law is like a chain, one broken link means the entire chain is broken. If the law is not the way to get right with God, how then do we get right with God? Why did God still give the law, knowing that the Israelites are going to break one or some of the law?

The truth is that the law is like a mirror that reflects the true self of the one looking at it. When we look into the mirror of the ten commandments, we find ourselves guilty – Guilty of not being able to have singular loyalty to God, guilty of not being able to live in full obedience to God, guilty of not remembering the Sabbath, guilty of not honouring our parents, guilty of not maintaining love relationships with others around us.

If we were to keep the commandments by ourselves, we will soon realise that we are unable to do so. Will we then be condemned by that? The truth is, the law was not given the save the Israelites. God has already saved the Israelites. Similarly, God didn’t give His law to save us. We are saved by His underserved grace, mercy and favour, through faith in Christ.

Therefore, the law was given not to condemn us, because in Christ we are no longer condemned. But the law was given for our good, that when we obey them, God will bless us. God promises His lovingkindness (hesed) to those who love Him and keep His commandments (Exodus 20:6, 12). But He also threatened punishment on those who do not obey (Exodus 20:5, 7). May we learn to hear and obey God’s commandments for our own good, and to bring glory to God. Because in our obedience, people around us will be pointed to Him.

The first four commandments of the Ten Commandments address the relationship to God, showing us how to love Him. He is the Creator, He is worthy of our worship, and our undivided adoration. The remaining six commandments talk about the justice and goodness that surrounds all human interactions, showing us how to love others. Jesus summed it up when he said in the gospels that, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind.”, and “You shall love your neighbour as yourself” (Matthew 22:37-40). Essentially, the commandments are designed to direct love to God and to others around us.

Dear brothers and sisters, you have heard the ten commandments, you have been saved through our Lord Jesus Christ. Now, would you obey God’s commands, and take action to love God and love others around you?

Dear Lord, help me to obey your commandments. Help me to love you more each day and to love those around me. In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.

Great Job!You're right on track.