01/02/2023, WednesdayExodus 31

God does not neglect Beauty

Ps. Benjamin Yeo

Passage of the day

Click here to read Exodus 31


Chapter 31 denotes the end of God’s instruction to Moses on the building of the tabernacle. In verses 1 to 6, God made a special call out to Bezaleel and Aholiab, both with the gifts of craftsmanship. God then said He will fill them with His spirit, giving them the ability and intelligence, with knowledge and all craftsmanship, to devise artistic designs, to work in gold, silver, and bronze, in cutting stones for setting, and in carving wood, to work in every craft. (v3-5)

God's nature embodies 3 universal realities: truth (logos), goodness (Ethos) and beauty (Pathos). All truth is God’s truth. All goodness is God’s goodness and All beauty is God’s beauty. We are familiar in understanding God’s truth through His word, and His goodness through His compassion and love for man. However beauty is not something we speak often enough about.

God is beauty and He is interested in creating beautiful things and the tabernacle where He was going to reside in was not to be small, or shabby. From the specification of the structure, to the choice of the materials for the construction, all the way down to the details of how each piece of interior furnishing was going to be crafted reflected the beauty of God. In chapter 31, He called in professionals, Bezalel and Ohaliam, to oversee and do the work. Not only did He call them, God filled them with His Spirit so they could do the work on a much higher level.

In the same way, God is making an important call to all artists, craftsmen and designers in the world today. Everything from sketching, to painting, from the click of the camera shutter, to the final edited photograph. From concept to final design, God calls artists to build His kingdom.

However, in my occasional conversations with Christian designers and artists, there is often an emotion of loss I sense from this community because they cannot find a place to serve God through their craft. My dear brothers and sisters who are in the different fields of craft and design, there is a place for you to support the church, and mission fields through your giftings: to turn concepts into actual space and works, to uplift and encourage brothers and sisters through colours and proportions, to communicate our faith to the world through creative platforms and formats. We need to pray and ask God how we in our own professional field of artistry can make an impact in the church and beyond the church. Speak to the pastors and leaders about your gifts and ask if there are places for you to exercise God's given gifts. As church leaders, we, too, need to consider how to help the “Bezaleel and Aholiab” among us to be effective in serving Him.

One of the wonderful example I can think of is the Banner ministry from Orchard Road Presbyterian Church. It is a gathering of a group of creative who come together to make an open declaration of the Christian faith to the world in a way which that they can understand. The copywriting are catchy and up to date and the artwork on the banners communicates the idea visually. All these can be accomplished because there is a group of craftsmen who answered the call of the Lord to serve Him through their skillsets. Check out their works if you are interested through the link.

This principle is not restricted only to the field of craftsmanship, but also to all who are serving in the marketplace. I want to encouraged you to consider how can you can use the gifts that God has given to you in your own field of work to serve Him in building His house and the kingdom of God.

Dear God, help us to understand that all of us are called by you to serve through the gifts and skillsets you have given to us through your Spirit. Will you help us to find ways to serve you through our gifts for the betterment of the church and the expansion of your kingdom. Thank you Lord, in Jesus' name we pray. Amen.

Great Job!You're right on track.