03/02/2023, FridayExodus 33

A Journey of Restoration

Bro. Lim Kang

Passage of the day

Click here to read Exodus 33


Exodus 32 left us with God’s forgiveness towards Israel’s sin of idolatry against God, but not without punishment. A stubborn group with a natural tendency to stray from God, the Israelites now found themselves in a strained relationship with Him. Exodus 33 depicts how Moses led the Israelites to restore their faith and relationship with God, allowing them to once again be in the presence of His glory and goodness.

The chapter opens with an alarming declaration from God. Though He has promised them safe passage into the promised land, God will not go with them. It was a grave message to the Israelites, that God’s presence will no longer be with them. And to this, they responded in remorse and repentance as they mourned and stripped themselves of their ornaments, realizing the severity of their actions.

As we continue on in verses 7 to 11, we see how Moses set an example of seeking God and worshipping in His presence. The Israelites saw the presence of God in the form of a cloud pillar with Moses as he worshipped and sought to do the same. It was a testimony to how Moses’ close relationship brought forth a response of those around him to want to draw closer to God as well. It was a stark contrast between God’s initial message of no longer being in their presence, to now speaking to Moses face to face, as one speaks to a friend. The Israelites saw what was good and responded in worship.

Moses then proceeded to deepen his relationship with God. He boldly sought to solidify God’s presence with the Israelites, and seek God’s glory and goodness. Moses’ heart was one for God. All that he asked and prayed for was for the purpose of knowing God better and pleasing Him in all that he could do. From this interaction between God and Moses, we also saw God’s great love for His people. God was gracious enough to answer Moses’ requests and reconciled the strained relationship between Him and the Israelites.

My dear brothers and sisters, take a moment to reflect on your life today. Is it one that is wholeheartedly dedicated to God? Are we actively seeking Him? If not, what are some things in our lives that might be hindering us from pursuing God? We are indeed blessed today, to have the opportunity to forge an intimate relationship with our loving Father. And in this relationship, let us emulate Moses’ boldness in seeking Him, pursuing Him and living for Him. My prayer is for God to begin the restoration works in our lives, that our hearts may be aligned with God, and we can experience His glory and goodness working in us and for us. God is gracious and desires to have a relationship with us, are we ready to respond in obedience?

Dear Lord, thank you for your great great love for us. That you chose us even when we strayed from you. Thank you for your grace and mercy, that we are able to enjoy an intimate relationship with you today. Help us o Lord, to respond in obedience, to seek You in all that we do. And I pray that you once again restore our lives, that we may witness your goodness and glory. Amen.

Great Job!You're right on track.