05/02/2023, SundayExodus 35

Are you willing?

Dn. Lin Yan Xing

Passage of the day

Click here to read Exodus 35


Have you ever been part of planning an overseas trip with family and friends or undertaken renovation works for your home or even participated in the recent 85th anniversary committee? You would know that planning for such projects requires much coordination, cooperation and contributions from everyone involved. In many instances, such plannings spanned across multiple phases. The planning process for such large scale activities is often plagued with multiple challenges which can send people on an emotional roller coaster ride.

Exodus records the journey that the Israelites had to embark on in order to reach the Promised Land. In chapter 25, it first mentioned the building of the tabernacle and the contributions required. However, the Isrealites were called a stiff-necked people despite experiencing the hand of God countless times. Regardless of that, the Faithful Lord kept His Covenant with his people. In Exodus 35, we finally come to the “Implementation Phase” of the project! Following the Lord’s command, Moses spoke to the congregation to ask for contributions.

When reading the chapter, you might be thinking how the Israelites who were slaves in Egypt had items like “gold, silver, bronze, fine linen, etc”? It was the provision of the Lord in Exodus 12, as the Israelites followed Moses instructions and plundered the Egyptians.

In this chapter, two words were repeated multiple times - “willing” and “skilled”. The idea of willingness was used to describe those whose hearts and spirits were moved. It was a team effort, as the bible recorded that everyone who could give made a contribution. This included men, women and the leaders. The offering was not limited to giving materials but also offering their skills as labourers to construct the various elements of the tabernacle.

Reading the passage made me marvel at our God. He truly was the master planner who orchestrated the entire Exodus. Isn’t all that we are and have, something that God freely and richly poured out to us? God gave us life, time, money, energy, skills, knowledge, wisdom, etc. Not only does He provides for our physical needs but our spiritual and emotional too! Aren’t the above just a glimpse to the many gifts or skills that God has given to both you and I?

God provides for His people to build up the community, both churched and unchurched, and bring glory to Him. God partners His beloved children. Hearing our cries, He does not forsake us, but leads our paths when the road ahead is not clear. He provides when we are in need, and makes a way where there seems to be no way.

Dear brothers and sisters, God invites us to participate in His works! Our response to His invitation is to serve the body of Christ and His ministries.

Dear God, You have been faithful since the beginning of time. You did not forsake us in our moments of weakness and failure, yet, chose to invite us to be with you in eternity through the establishment of your covenant. May we not harden our hearts, but be willing to accept Your invitation, and offer every aspect of our lives to you for the extension of your Kingdom. For we come from dust and will return to dust. Help us to make our life on earth count, for your glory. Amen.

Great Job!You're right on track.