09/09/2024, Monday1 Chronicles 15 : 1 – 16 : 6

The Ark of the Covenant

Rev. Dr. Casey Lok

Passage of the day

Click here to read Ch15 , Click here to read Ch16


David became the king of Israel in 1 Chr 11. This is the second time that David attempted to bring back the ark of the covenant to Jerusalem. The first time was in 1 Chr 13 but David did not follow the instructions pertaining to God’s way of handling the ark. The term, “the ark” and its other similar phrases such as “the ark of God,” “the ark of the Lord,” “it,” “the ark of the covenant of the Lord” or “the ark of the covenant of God” all refers to the same ark that is located in the Most Holy Place or the Holy of Holies in the temple. In total, they appear 21 times in this chapter. This observation tells us that the main idea in this chapter surrounds the ark of the covenant. What was this ark of the covenant and what was the reason that David failed to move it on his first attempt?

Some of us may have watched or heard about the 1981 movie, “Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark” by Steven Spielberg. It is about an archaeologist who wanted to search for and recover the lost ark ever since it was lost after the Babylonians attacked and destroyed the temple in 586 BC. The plot of the movie is inaccurate as no reliable record till today has since given the whereabouts of the ark. But there is something that we can learn from this movie. It paints a somewhat helpful understanding of the holiness of God and the sinfulness of man. Through its graphic but with some exaggerated presentation, it vividly portrays how God in His holiness, can strike and zap a person when the person totally disregards who He is.

Interestingly, in the bible, there are two accounts whereby some Israelites take the holiness of God lightly in the way they approach the ark of the covenant. The first one is mentioned in 1 Chr 13 when Uzzah who was a not a priest grab holds of the ark in seeking to prevent it from falling to the ground. Though his deed was done out of a kind intention, he was struck dead immediately by God. He treated the holy ark with contempt. The second incident is recorded in 2 Chr 26:16-21 when king Uzziah of Judah who was also not a priest, arrogantly entered the most holy place in the temple and offered incense by himself. Only the high priest could enter the most holy once a year and not without the blood of a sacrificed animal. Because of his arrogance as a king, God struck him with leprosy immediately until the day of his death.

The temple of God is a place where the Israelites come to offer their sacrifice in their worship of God. The ark in the Most Holy Place of the temple is the place where God appears and speaks to the people above the ark through the high priest. Living under the new covenant, we do not need a physical temple or any priest to worship God. When we accept Jesus Christ, God has made us His children and His priests as well. And 1 Cor 6:19 tells us that the individual body of ours is a temple of God and His Spirit lives within us. We worship God when we read our Bible, pray, serve Him, love His people and reach out to the lost and depend on Him concerning our family, studies or work.

Also, through the context of 1 Cor 6:19, we are to keep our bodies, holy and blameless before Him. When we sin against God, His Spirit grieves within us and is being quenched. When we sin, we are to confess our sins and claim upon His forgiveness according to Christ’s atoning work at the Cross.

Prayer : Dear God, thank you for adopting us to be your children and the giving us the spiritual privilege to be your priest. Help us to become the kind of child and priest you intend us to be. I pray this in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Great Job!You're right on track.