30/08/2024, Friday1 Chronicles 5

Others before Self

Rev. Dr. Casey Lok

Passage of the day

Click here to read Ch 5


This chapter describes the descendants of the two and a half tribes of Jacob (later being called as Israel). How these two and a half tribes were being called the Transjordon tribes happened during the time when Moses was about to lead the Israelite armies to cross from the east side of the river Jordon to conquer the promised land on the other side. These tribes asked Moses to allow them to settle on this side of the Jordon and they did not want to cross over to the other side. But Moses replied that the men of the tribes were to join the army to cross over and fight against the inhabitants of the cities on the other side starting from Jericho. And it was only right that the helped their other tribes to conquer the land before they return over to the Transjordan land and settle down.

These two and a half tribes had two contrasting experiences in how they depended on God in the battle grounds. The first one is in v18-22 when they were fighting against Hagrites, Jetur, Naphish, and Nodab. It was encouraging that v20 tells us that they cried out to God in the battle and as a result of their dependence on Him, God fought for them in the war, “many fell, because the war was of God.”

But after these tribes settled down in the land for a long period of time, v25 tells us that their hearts broke faith God and turned away from God and worshipped the other gods in the land. It is written in v26 that God raised up the Assyrians to destroy Israel and deported these tribes who were part of the northern kingdom of Israel into Assyria.

From the two tribes of Reubenites, Gadites and the half tribe of Manasseh, we can learn one important lesson. Though these tribes were part of the twelve tribes of Israel, their reason for remaining where they were at this side of the Jordon for the sake of their families was legitimate. But when Moses reminded them that they needed to help the other tribes to conquer other cities for them to settle down as well, they understood what it meant to put the interest of the whole nation first before their own. God honoured their allegiance. After they helped fought and won the rest of the battles, they crossed the river back and returned to their families.

My brother and sister, it is important that we need to have our own me-time, especially after a long time of work or after serving God in an event/project. But when a need arises that our family or our church needs our help in an area that we can give our time and energy to be involved, let us remember the example of the Transjordon tribes to be put the interests of the wider body before our own interest.

Prayer : Dear God, we are thankful that we part of our biological family at home and spiritual family in church. We pray for your strength and energy when the call comes for us to put the interest of our loved ones before our own self. We pray this in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Great Job!You're right on track.