31/08/2024, Saturday1 Chronicles 6

Worship God !

Ps. Liu Yimei

Passage of the day

Click here to read Ch 6


The genealogy of Levi occupies the central place of the tribal genealogies, and its importance is further evidenced by the length and attention given to it. This chapter records Levi’s family line through his three sons, Gershon, Kohath, and Merari, where the descendants of Levi were assigned specific jobs based on which of the three sons they descended from. The genealogy recorded the priests as well as those who were in charge of temple music. It also recorded the cities and pasturelands assigned to the Levites, who were not given a portion of the Promised Land.

Why would the genealogy of Levi occupy such an important position in the genealogies recorded by the Chronicler? From history, the Levites were a tribe appointed by God to serve as priests to Him. Hence, it is likely that the Chronicler viewed the tribe of Levi as having remained faithful to the Davidic kingship and to temple worship in the pre-exilic period. However, this priesthood and temple worship was suspended when the Israelites were in exile. Given that the books of Chronicles were written after the time of exile, one of the most significant thing that would happen as the Israelites return to the Promised Land was the restoration of worship.

The tribe of Levites has a specific role in the worship of God, and they importantly represented Israel’s central concern upon return. It is no wonder then, that they were given a prominent position in the midst of all the genealogies.

In its position, it serves to remind the Israelites of how intimately God was involved in their history, and will be in their future. It also reminds the Israelites of the importance of the institution of the temple, as well as the centrality of sacrificial worship to the life of the Jewish community.

For contemporary readers of the books of Chronicles, it too serves as a reminder of the importance of our worship of God in our Christian lives. However, as disciples of Christ under the new covenant, we no longer need to turn to priests to worship God. Christ is our High Priest who gives us the confidence to enter the holy places. By His blood, he has opened a new and living way, so that we may draw near to God. We can, and we must, worship God, not just in congregation worship but also in our daily lives. God seeks true worshippers who worship him in spirit and truth (John 4:23-24), and it requires us to be in a posture of humble adoration to our Lord, to know Him and to have a relationship with Him.

Would you come into a time of worship daily? Would you know him deeply and intimately through daily worship, reading of the Word, and prayer?

May our hearts be renewed as we come before our Lord in adoration!

Prayer: Dear Father, thank you that we may draw near to You, through Christ. Help me to know you deeply day by day. In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.

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