25/05/2024, Saturday1 Kings 3

We need wisdom from God !

Rev. Adrian Lim

Passage of the day

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Verses 1-15 - Solomon married Pharaoh’s daughter before the temple, his palace, and the city wall were completed. Although he followed his father’s footsteps in following God, he still made sacrifices at the high places with the people. While he was at Gibeon making sacrifices, God appeared to him in a dream and promised to give him whatever he asked.

Solomon told God he was young and needed the wisdom to rule the people justly. God was glad he did not ask for riches, long life, or to punish his enemies so God gave him a wise and discerning heart. God also warned Solomon that he must keep His commandments as his father did to enjoy a long life. Solomon awoke and realized God had spoken to him and returned to Jerusalem to make sacrifices before the ark of the Lord. He threw a great feast to celebrate with His officials.

Verses 16-28 – The case Solomon presided testifies that God did give Solomon what he asked.Two women living in the same house had given birth to a baby around the same time. One woman's baby died because she slept on the child. She switched her dead son with her roommate’s living one. They went before Solomon to hear their case.

As they argued over custody of the living child, Solomon calmly asked for a sword to cut the baby in half since they both claimed it was their son. The real mother said she would rather the child be given to the other woman instead of killed. So, Solomon ordered the son to be given to the real mother. The people of Israel realized God was with Solomon as He was with David. They feared and respected him.

The passage emphasizes the importance of seeking wisdom from God, as demonstrated through Solomon’s request and the wise judgment he exhibited. It calls leaders, particularly within the church, to prioritize divine wisdom over personal gain or fear of others. Solomon's choice to ask for wisdom rather than wealth or power illustrates a profound understanding of leadership. True leadership isn’t just about authority or material prosperity; it’s about serving others with wisdom and discernment. The story challenges leaders to focus on the greater good and the well-being of those they serve, rather than solely advancing their interests.

The case Solomon presided over showed the judgment regarding the two women and the baby further underscoring the significance of divine wisdom in leadership. His ability to discern the truth and make a just decision shows the impact of seeking God’s guidance in difficult situations. It serves as an example for leaders in the church, urging them to seek wisdom from God to navigate complex issues and make decisions that honor Him.

The message conveyed to us is our need for church leaders who must not only be equipped with divine wisdom but also courageous enough to act on it for the welfare of God’s people. It’s a reminder that leadership is rooted in God’s wisdom will bring about transformation and strength within the Church.

Prayer: Lord, we need leaders in the Church who possess the same wisdom and courage as Solomon as such qualities are essential for effective leadership. We need wise leaders who are willing to stand firm in truth, even when it’s difficult or unpopular, and who prioritize pleasing God above all else.

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