10/02/2024, Saturday1 Samuel 11:1-15

The Appointment of A Leader

Rev. Adrian Lim

Passage of the day

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Nahash the Ammonite captured Jabesh Gilead. The men of Jabesh Gilead were afraid of him and asked him to make a treaty with them as they promised to serve him. Nahash said he had a condition before making such a treaty. He said that he would do so if he could gouge out their right eye to shame Israel. The elders had a discussion and decided to ask for seven days as they wanted to send word to the rest of the Israelites to ask for help. If no one came to save them, they promised that they would surrender to him. Nahash agreed to their request.

They sent word out to the Israelites. When it came to Gibeah where Saul lived, the people wept for their fellow Israelites. Saul was returning from the field when he heard the weeping and asked why the people were weeping. They told him and the Spirit of God filled him. He became angry and cut a pair of oxen into pieces and sent them throughout Israel as a warning to tell them if they did not follow Samuel and him to help their fellowmen, the same would be done to them as the oxen. Three hundred thousand men with thirty thousand others from Judah assembled at Bezek. Saul sent word to Jabesh Gilead informing the people that by noon tomorrow, they would be delivered. The people of Jabesh Gilead were elated and told the Ammonites that tomorrow they would surrender to them.

The next day Saul separated the men into three divisions to prepare for war with the Ammonites. They attacked their enemies in the last watch and slaughtered them until noon the next day. The people said to Samuel, “Who is it that said, ‘Shall Saul reign over us?’ Bring the men, that we may put them to death.” Saul said, “Not a man shall be put to death this day, for today the Lord has worked salvation in Israel.” Samuel said to the people, “Come, let us go to Gilgal and there renew the kingdom.” They celebrated with sacrifices of fellowship offerings before God at Gilgal and made Saul their king before the Lord there.

Before God appointed Saul the king of Israel, Saul was made to prove himself as a leader. He proved he could muster the nation of Israel as one. But today we select leaders without even considering if the candidate has the ability of a leader who can overcome the “battles” in the church. Saul also proved himself to be merciful as a leader. When the people wanted to kill the captives, he said there should be no more killing as God had already delivered them.

Discipline is a necessity, but we must not overdo it. As leaders and even as parents, we sometimes discipline to the point that the punishment does not fit the crime anymore because of overdoing it. On the other hand, some leaders and parents do not even exercise any discipline at all but by sparing the rod, they spoilt their children. Thus, they continue to exhibit bad behaviors in the church or at home.

Lastly, godly leaders must be spirit-filled as Saul was filled by the Spirit of God. Paul said we must be spirit-filled instead of being filled with wine. However, we choose leaders based on their human abilities like professions or their popularity in the church. This should not be the case as we will continue to have poor and unspiritual leadership in the church.

Are you filled by the Spirit of God or your human spirit instead?

Prayer : Lord, please fill me with your Spirit so that I may have the wisdom to choose the right leaders who are spirit-filled to lead your church!

Great Job!You're right on track.