01/03/2024, Friday1 Samuel 30 : 1-31

Trust in the Lord

Rev. Adrian Lim

Passage of the day

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In verses 1-15, David and his men arrived in Ziklag to find the Amalekites had raided Negev and Ziklag. They burned Ziklag and took all the women and everyone else. David and his men's families were among those taken and his men wept until they were weak.. David's wives Ahinoam and Abigail were also taken. David was worried as his men were talking about stoning him. David asked Abiathar to bring the ephod and sought God to ask Him whether they should pursue their enemies and will they win the battle. God told David to pursue them because he would give David success in this battle.

David took with him six hundred men. When they were at the valley of Besor, two hundred of them were so exhausted that they could not go on. So, David took four hundred of those who could continue to cross the valley in pursuit of their enemies. On the way, they found an Egyptian who had not eaten or drank for three days and three nights after his master abandoned him to die. David gave him food and water and learned that he was a slave of an Amalekite when he became ill. David asked him to lead them to their camp. The Egyptian agreed only if David would not hand him over to his master. David agreed and he led them to the Amalekites’ camp. Trust in God - David was afraid of the angry mob and turned to God for help. When we put our trust in God, He will make a way for us. Let us turn to God and not let the fear of men stop us like David. He did not blame God when his men blamed him but trusted God.

In verses 16-31, the Egyptian slave led David to the Amalekites camp. David fought them from morning to evening. No one got away. David recovered everything the Amalekites took including his wives. They became David's plunder. They returned to the place the two hundred exhausted men were and gave them a share of the plunder. The men who went with David to battle were unhappy. They said the men could take their wives and children, but not the plunder. But David said they shall have an equal share as God protected them and gave them victory over their enemies. He made it a national policy from that day onwards.

At Ziklag, David sent some of the plunder to the elders of Judah who were his friends as gifts in Bethel, Ramoth Negev, and Jattir. To those in Aroer, Siphmoth, Eshtemoa, Hormah, Bor Ashan, Athak, and Hebron, David also sent them as they had allowed David and his men to roam freely. God may promise us success, but it does not mean we do nothing. We see David pursuing and fighting his enemies to regain what they lost. Many people want the easy way out without doing anything. They seek God but do nothing. They want high pay and the least amount of work. Others pay God's servants the least amount and expect them to work like “slaves” for them. They said God's servants must be humble and learn to trust God while they command high pay for the work at the companies they work.

Although we should not complain as in this world there is no fairness even serving God. But bear in mind that we will be rewarded when Christ returns. God will share with us and even those who do not deserve the blessings and rewards of the promise of His salvation.

Prayer : I will trust in God to make a way when there seems to be no way out. I will not blame God or others for my troubles. I will trust Him to act fairly and not to find justice of my own. I must be gracious as David was gracious to his men.

Great Job!You're right on track.