02/03/2024, Saturday1 Samuel 31 : 1-13

I know I have lived a good life

Ps. Joseph Tang

Passage of the day

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Life is short and passes by quickly." (Eccl 6:12). When we are young, we are often deceived by time, thinking that time is endless and can be squandered as we wish. However, when we get older, we realize that time passes faster than we imagined. We really can't choose how we age, but we can choose how to live well.

Liu Xia, a respected Christian writer in Taiwan, once said, "When I leave one day, let me leave with joy! I know I have lived a good life." Despite struggling with illness throughout her life, she has made significant contributions to society. Since the age of 12, she has been plagued by rheumatoid arthritis, suffering for decades, even paralyzed and unable to move freely. However, Liu Xia's life is full of contributions to society, and her literary works and life testimony have won numerous awards and honours.

Saul was a king of Israel, tall and handsome, born into a wealthy family in the tribe of Benjamin. Then, Israel faced a strong threat from the Philistines, so the 12 tribes of Israel united to make him king, hoping he would strengthen their resistance. However, in the pursuit of personal interests and power, Saul paid a heavy price. He became jealous of David, and the evil spirit of God came upon him (1 Samuel 18:10). Eventually, when faced with defeat against the Philistines, Saul resorted to taking his own life with a sword.

Clearly, we cannot predict how we will die, but we can choose how to live well. Just like King David, he experienced the ups and downs of life, but always maintained an attitude of love and obedience to God.

Liu Xia was able to face life with a positive and optimistic attitude, appreciating the preciousness and happiness of life, while Saul lost himself in the pursuit of power and ambition, ultimately paying the price of failure and suffering. These two life experiences remind us that the value of life lies not only in what we possess but also in how we perceive and treat every moment of life.

Prayer : Dear Father, Please grant us the wisdom to cherish each moment, and to maintain a heart filled with gratitude. No matter what challenges we face, guide us to prioritize what truly matters, and to treasure the life and health you have given us. In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.

Great Job!You're right on track.