01/04/2024, Monday2 Samuel 1 : 1 - 27

Be like David !

Rev. Adrian Lim

Passage of the day

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In verses 1-16, after Saul passed away, David returned from battle with the Amalekites. He then stayed in Ziklag for two days. On the third day, a man wearing torn clothes with dust on his head came to see David. David asked him where he came from. He said he had escaped from the Israelite camp. David asked him what had happened. He told David that the Israelites had died in battle including Saul and Jonathan.

David asked him how sure he was that they were dead. He told David what happened on Mt Gilboa. He saw Saul leaning on his spear while the enemy chariots were coming in pursuit of them. Saul was dying and asked him to kill him as he did not want to die at the hands of his enemies. So, he did as Saul said. He then took Saul’s crown and armband to bring to David.

Upon hearing this, David and his men tore their clothes and mourned and fasted till evening for Saul and Jonathan and the army and the nation of Israel. David then asked him where he was from. He told David he was an Amalekite from a foreign land. David asked him why he was not afraid to kill Saul. David then ordered him to be killed because Saul's blood was on his head after he admitted to killing God’s anointed. But the truth was Saul committed suicide. The Amalekite lied for whatever reason he might have. He might be trying to gain favor with David since he knew Saul wanted David dead. But Saul was now dead instead. David who feared God did not dare even to kill Saul because He was God’s anointed. So, he had the Amalekite killed.

Today, many people do not fear God as David did. They fear losing out on an opportunity like this Amalekite. Thus, they would do anything to grab hold of any opportunity to benefit themselves. Are you like David who feared God or like the Amalekite, a ruthless opportunist? Let us be like David instead of the Amalekite.

In verses 17-27, David ordered the Judeans to mourn for Saul and Jonathan. He had a lament written, The Lament of the Bow which was inscribed in the book of Jasher. It was said that he had ordered them to memorize it as well. We can understand that David would mourn for Jonathan. But he ordered the people to mourn for Saul too. David should be rejoicing as the one who wanted him dead is now dead.

Isn’t this what Jesus commanded us to do, love our enemies? It is not easy to love our enemies especially someone who is constantly trying to do you harm, but David showed us that it can be done. How was David able to do so? David could do so because he feared God so much that he would not kill God’s anointed servant, Saul. The fear of God held him back from killing Saul several times when he had the opportunity. But instead, he has no hesitation to kill the man who claimed to have killed Saul. He did not rejoice over the death of the man who wanted to kill him but mourned for him instead. Let us be like David instead of the Amalekite.

Prayer: Dear Lord, we are told by You to love our neighbors as we love ourselves. We are also told by You to love our enemies. This is something impossible for us to do by our strength. It is only through the Holy Spirit who produces the fruit of love in us then we can do so. Help us Lord and grant to us the power of the Spirit to exercise this fruit, Amen!

Great Job!You're right on track.