02/04/2024, Tuesday2 Samuel 2 : 1 - 7

What would you do?

Ps. Liu Yimei

Passage of the day

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If you had known beforehand that you were appointed as the next King, and that the current King had died, what would be your natural course of action? Assume the throne, would probably be our natural reaction. 

Here, we see that Saul, the current king has died, and it is now time for David to move into action and claim the promises of God. However, David did not proceed immediately. He not only mourned for the death of Saul and Jonathan, he waited upon God’s guidance. Verse 1 tells us that David “inquired of the Lord”. David inquired not once, but twice. He asked if he should go up into any of the cities of Judah, and to which city he should go to.  David wanted to be sure that it was with God’s guidance that he began this new chapter in life. After this, David was anointed as king over the house of Judah (verse 4).

As a new king, what would you do? Gather all the people who would be on the same team might be our response.

David’s first course of action, instead, was to go to the people of Jabesh-gilead, people who had been loyal to Saul, their loyalty extended to burying Saul and Jonathan upon their death. David did not demand that they follow him or asked for their immediate allegiance. Instead, David offered them his leadership in the absence of their King. He suggests to them that their loyalty to Saul will best find fruition in loyalty to David. David said to them that because of their loyalty (hesed) to Saul, God will show steadfast love (hesed) and faithfulness. And David too, will show them the same kindness and love. 

David’s inquiry of the Lord as well as his first course of action shows that his primary motivation was his zeal for Yahweh and that he was completely dependent on Yahweh for guidance and strength. He was the king that was described in Deuteronomy 17:19-20, keeping the law and statutes and well as loving his brothers. David knew who the king of Israel really is and who really rules Israel, which is why he continues to inquire of Yahweh. 

While we may not all become kings, but we will have to make important decisions in our lives. How do we inquire of God today? God has revealed His will to us in the bible. God’s primary mean of communicating today is through Scripture. Are we willing to commit to read the bible daily? Are we willing to pray and wait? Do we know who really is sovereign in our lives? Are we willing to let God take over the throne of our lives and to allow the Holy Spirit to direct our lives?

Prayer : Dear Father, thank you for your Word that I may know you, and for guiding me as I draw near to you in prayers. Please take the throne of my life and direct me all the ways of my life. In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.

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