05/02/2024, Monday1 Samuel 6:1-7:1

The Presence of God

Rev. Adrian Lim

Passage of the day

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For seven months, after the Ark was taken by the Philistines, it was shuffled around because God afflicted the five Philistine cities. So, they sought their priests and diviners for advice. They advised sending it back with a guilt offering of five gold tumors- one each for Ashdod, Gaza, Ashkelon, Gath, and Ekron. Together with five gold rats representing the five rulers to honor the God of Israel and perhaps He will heal them.

They cited what God did to Egypt to warn them not to be like Pharoah, and instructed what to do as their afflictions were not a coincidence, but an act of the God of Israel. To be certain, they were to watch where it went when they sent it back. If it goes toward Israel’s territory, it will confirm for them it was the God of Israel who afflicted them. They sent the Ark with the offering and followed it as far as the border of Beth Shemesh. The people in Beth Shemesh were harvesting in the valley and were happy to see the Ark. It stopped at a large rock, and they cut the wood of the cart and sacrificed the cows as a burnt offering to God. The Levites took the Ark and the good objects and placed them on the rock. The people made sacrifices to the Lord. The Philistines' rulers saw everything, and they returned to Ekron realizing that God is indeed the One who afflicted them.

However, a misfortune happened because God killed seventy of them. After all, they looked into the Ark. The people asked, “Who can stand in the presence of the LORD, this holy God? To whom will the ark go up from here?” They sent word to the people in Kiriath Jearim to inform them of the Philistines’ return of the Ark and asked them to take it. They came and took it to Abinadab’s house on the hill and consecrated Eleazar’s sons to guard it. The Ark remained there for many years.

In this story, we learn four lessons about God and how people respond to Him. God can vindicate for Himself. He does not need anyone to help Him. Secondly, He is greater than all the gods of the Philistines because He is the only True God. We should revere Him. Thirdly, He judges those who want to "control" Him. We cannot control God at all. He is the Sovereign Creator and Ruler of this world. Lastly, many people don't know what to do with God even when he has proven Himself to be all-powerful and sovereign. They either reject Him, or they just put Him in a corner instead of worshiping Him and making Him known.

Jesus asked Peter, “Who do you say I am?” Peter replied, “You are the Messiah!” How would you respond to the all-powerful and sovereign Creator God if you believe so?

Prayer : Dear Lord, I revere you. I will worship you alone. I will not try to “control” you or “bargain” with you. Nor will I put you in the corner of my heart. But you will be first and foremost in my life and my heart.

Great Job!You're right on track.