04/02/2024, Sunday1 Samuel 5:1-12

God cannot be defeated

Ps. Benjamin Yeo

Passage of the day

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The Ark of God was like a bag of hot potatoes that was anxiously being passed around by the Philistines. They had just defeated the Israelites and victoriously captured the ark of God as their victory prize. In the ancient near east, the battle between two nations was not only a battle between two group of people, but also the battle between the deities of each nation. The victory of the nation meant that their god was more powerful. It was only natural that the ark was placed into Dagon’s temple because the God of Israel has “lost” to Dagon and is now subsume under his authority. Or so it seems.

The day after the ark was placed in the temple, the statue of Dagon fell on his face in worship of Yahweh, and the statue need people to put the god back in his place. On the following morning, this “almighty” god which the people worshipped, fell on his face before the ark again and this time, with his head and limbs severed, leaving only the body intact. Not just that, the people in the vicinity was afflicted with tumors. This was when the Philistines became so afraid that began to shift the Ark of God from one city to another, and wherever it went, the ark caused fear and outcry to the city. Three times the author says that the Lord’s hand was heavy on the Philistines.

Funny what a “box” can do to the nation of Philistines. We must remember that they were depicted as a mighty and fearless army that devoured thirty thousand Israelites foot soldiers. They had caused fear and hopelessness to the people of Israel in the previous chapter. But here, the Ark of God caused fear and panic wherever it went, so much so that the outcry of the city went up to heaven. The mighty warriors had fallen at the presence of a box.

It was no ordinary box, it belonged to the almighty Creator of the heaven and earth. The king of the heavenly army. The giver of life who judges the living and the dead. It belongs to Yahweh. His very own unbelieving people can be defeated, and all hope seemingly lost, but Yahweh remains sovereign. He cannot be defeated, and those who are against Him will ultimately face the heavy hands of God on him.

In the same way, on the gloomy day when Christ was being crucified on the cross, all hope seemed to be lost with His death. But on the third morning, Christ rose from the dead! He could not be defeated by death! Paul tells us that Jesus disarmed the powers and authorities, and put them to shame by triumphing over them by the cross. (Colossians 2:15)

Dear brothers and sisters, what are you facing today that is causing you to feel hopeless and downcast? King David when faced with deep betrayal from his own son, Absalom, he wrote Psalms 43. In his conclusion, he said, “Why are you cast down, O my soul, and why are you in turmoil within me? Hope in God; for I shall again praise him, my salvation and my God.” Our hope comes from a God that remains undefeated in face of any form of darkness, even death itself. Death looks like child play before Him. We can come to Him, because He cares for us.

Prayer : Praise the Lord, because you are sovereign and you will never be defeated. Would you help me to always hope in you today and turn in all that is causing my heart to be downcast. Help me to trust you even when I cannot. In Jesus' precious name we pray, Amen.

Great Job!You're right on track.