03/02/2024, Saturday1 Samuel 4:1-22

To be on God’s side

Ps. Liu Yimei

Passage of the day

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Chapter 4 presents as a sharp contrast to Chapter 3. The prophet Samuel was just introduced in Chapter 3 as the new means of divine revelation in Israel. However, he was significantly absent in Chapter 4, his deafening silence symbolising Israel’s presumptuous ways and continuing moral decline. Instead of consulting and heeding the prophetic voice available to them, they had instead made their own assumption that Yahweh was the one who defeated them (verse 3) and in order to gain victory, they had to ensure that the covenant of the Lord was with them (verse 3). Their actions revealed their attitude towards the ark – they were treating the ark as a magic wand, and presumed that they can manipulate God.

Israel’s second defeat by the Philistinians is a clear sign that Yahweh was not with them. However, Yahweh was absent not because He enjoyed their defeat, but that the Israelites had not been repentant. It was a result of Israel’s own spiritual crisis. With the word “captured” repeated 5 times in this chapter, Israel was once again at a low point since their captivity in Egypt. Not only did they suffer a physical defeat, the loss of the ark is also symbolic of the loss of Israel’s unique covenantal relationship with Yahweh. Here, we see that divine judgement is really about the imposed absence of a loving and protecting God. The sin of his people and driven Him away, and the nation loses His grace.

As Christians, we often remember only the comforting and assuring “promises of God”. However, God is not just love, He is also holy, and He has, time and again, warned of His intent to punish unrepentant sin. May we not live in unrepentant sin and consistent wickedness, because our unrepentant hearts will only bring about judgement, God’s absence, and the departing of His glory.

Abraham Lincoln once said, “My concern is not whether God is on our side, my greatest concern is to be on God’s side, for God is always right”. Indeed, we should always endeavour to be on God’s side, and to be in His presence, acknowledging and repenting from our sins, and seeking our focus to be on Him only.

Prayer : Dear Lord, I admit I am a sinner, and there are many times when I prefer to things my way, than to seek you. Forgive me of my sins, Lord. Help me to always seek to be in your presence, and to do things according to your will. In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.

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