02/02/2024, Friday1 Samuel 3:1-21

Here I am!

Ps. Liu Yimei

Passage of the day

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Chapter 3 tells of God’s call on the life of the boy Samuel and the effectual work of God’s revealed Word. Israel had been without Yahweh’s preserving and rejuvenating word for some time (“And the word of the Lord was rare.” Verse 1), specifically, “there was no frequent vision”.

Yahweh’s call of Samuel is narrated in verses 4-10 and the picture painted is of a young Samuel who responded to Yahweh (and Eli) in childlike fashion. Samuel’s response of “Here I am,” revealed his willingness to serve. However, Samuel was confused about the identity of the one calling him – he has not yet experienced God in an intimate manner (verse 7).

Verse 10 tells us that after calling Samuel three times, Yahweh now came and stood there. Not only was Samuel receiving a word, he was also receiving a vision, significant to a time when both word and vision were rare. With Yahweh’s revealed word and vision, and with Samuel telling Eli the dreadful message that had been told to him, Samuel was no longer just ministering to the Lord, he was also serving as Yahweh’s mouthpiece.

In fact, the author tells us that Yahweh continues to grant His supernatural presence to Samuel (verse 19), and that Yahweh “let none of his words fall to the ground”, affirming the success Samuel’s prophetic work. Samuel’s role as a prophet was known publicly (verse 20), and Yahweh continued to reveal himself to Samuel at Shiloh (verse 21).

The call of Samuel shows us that like Samuel, we must hear and respond to God’s call, and enter into a new relationship with God. God, our Maker, knows all about us before we say anything, but we can know nothing about Him unless He tells us. And God has revealed Himself to us – through the incarnate Jesus Christ, and through His Word. Are we willing to respond to this call, and commit to a relationship not just for ourselves, but to proclaim God’s Word to the world? May we be roused out of our lethargy, and to respond to God’s call with a resounding “Here I am”! May we be transformed by the Word of God, and enter into a personal communion with our God, ready to be used by God for His kingdom purposes.

Prayer : Dear Lord, Here I am, speak to me, reveal to me, show me, your Word and your Works. Help me, Lord, to love you more each day and to desire to be an intimate relationship with you.

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