20/10/2024, Sunday2 Chronicles 13 : 1 - 14 : 1

Doing things God’s way

Rev. Dr. Casey Lok

Passage of the day

Click here to read Ch13, Click here to read Ch14


The story begins by introducing Jeroboam as king over the northern kingdom of Israel and Abijah as king over the southern kingdom of Judah. Then verses 2-7 tells us that these two kingdoms are at war with each other ever since Jeroboam led part of the nation to rebel and form the northern Israel. The number of soldiers reported tells us that Abijah was outnumbered by half of Jeroboam’s army. But despite this disadvantage, Abijah stood out boldly against Jeroboam and declared with confidence in Yahweh that Judah was the rightful descendant of David, their forefather. He went on in rebuking Jeroboam that he rebelled against God’s chosen king, Rehoboam who was Abijah’s father and a descendant of David. Jeroboam led some of God’s people astray to form for themselves the northern Israel.

Abijah then describes in v8-9 the characteristics of Israel’s rule that go against the way of God. Though their military size outnumbered that of Judah, they failed to follow the holy instructions of God. First, they made gods from the golden calves. Second, they drove out all the Levites and installed people who were not set aside as priests to take on the Levitical priesthood.

In contrast to Israel, Judah does things God’s way. Verses 10-11 begins with the word, “but” and it depicts how the temple is being taken care according to God’s instruction. First, only sons from the Levites were installed as priests. Second, they painstakingly carried out the duties in the temple like the offerings of sacrifice and incense according to God’s instructions. Verse 11 sums up v8-11 by saying the Judah but not Israel kept the charge that God had given to them. In v12, Abijah declared his confidence in God that He would fight for them against Israel and he urged Israel not to fight against God. The rest of the chapter tells us how Judah with 400,000 men, triumphed over Israel and with the help of God - they killed 500,000 out of the 800,000 men of Israel. Verse 18 sums up the reason that it is because Judah relies on God.

Though it is written in this chapter that Judah received the favor of God in their battle against Israel, her heart was very much drawn away from God like Israel. 1 Ki 15:3 tells us that Abijah (or Abijam) walked in all the sins that his father, Rehoboam did before him and his heart was not wholly committed to God. In contrast with Jeroboam, Abijah fares better in that Judah descends from the Davidic line of kings but his heart for God still falls short of David’s heart, his ancestor. We read in history later that Israel and Judah were both punished by God and destroyed by the Assyrians and Babylonians respectively.

My brothers and sisters, it is so highly important to examine our own hearts in our life and service for God – whether we are making decisions and doing things God’s way and not our own way. There are many voices of influences around us that are not from God that we are to discern and be alert. Paul says in Rom 12:2a that we are not to be conformed to the pattern of this world but be transformed by the renewing of our minds. Though God’s way of doing things may not be the way of the majority in this fallen world, let us not be coerced to follow them but let us be courageous to do things God’s way.

PRAYER : Our dear God who is holy and pure, I express my dependence on you. I want to trust you fully to do what is before me (pray in detail what decision you need to make or what thing you need to do) in accordance with your will and your way. Thank you that by your grace, I can choose to obey and follow you in faith. May you be pleased with the attitude and the choice of my heart. I pray in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Great Job!You're right on track.