21/10/2024, Monday2 Chronicles 14 : 2 - 15

Trust God for victories

Ps. Liu Yimei

Passage of the day

Click here to read Ch14


Asa is the great grandson of Solomon, he was more like his ancestor David in his character as a king than he was like his own father. Asa was righteous, he took away idolatry in the kingdom, and commanded his people to keep the law and the commandment. 1 Kings 15:14 tells us that Asa’s heart was loyal to the Lord all his days and here we see the blessing he and the kingdom of Judah enjoyed from his loyal heart to God. Because of his obedience, the Lord gave him rest, and the kingdom was quiet.

He build fortified cities in Judah and provided military strength to protect the land of God. He had a good, sizeable, and courageous army. However, when faced by a fearful army that was twice his size, Asa cried out to the Lord for help. He understood that God’s power was not enhanced or limited by man’s apparent strength or weakness. He did not ask God to work a miracle on his behalf, knowing that he, too, had to put forth his own efforts. However, he recognised there were other elements of strength in war other than those that were physical. He knew that the battle belonged to the Lord, and that God can overcome his enemies. And God fought on behalf of Asa and the kingdom of Judah, overcoming their enemies and giving them much plunder.

What are some battles that we face today? Perhaps our challenges are as daunting as the army of a million men and 300 chariots, too big for us to overcome. But we see in the story of Asa today that nothing is too big for God, and we can trust in the faithfulness of our Lord when we call upon Him. Do we turn to God first whenever we face challenges or difficulties in our lives? May we remember whose side we are on when we face battles and challenges in our lives.

At the same time, may we also know that we do not just sit there and wait for God to fight our battles. We have to be prepared and we have to take efforts. Are our hearts loyal to the Lord? Are we willing to obey Him daily? Have we prepared ourselves to fight the spiritual battle?

When we turn to God for help, acknowledging our helplessness and inadequacy, and trusting His power, grace, and mercy, we know that there is no need for us to feel overwhelmed. God in His time, will give us the victory!

Prayer : Dear God, thank you, for we know that we are on Your side and that we need not fear or be overwhelmed when we face battles and challenges. Thank you for helping us to be victorious in our journeys. In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.

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